Emergent Mind


We consider a residuals-based distributionally robust optimization model, where the underlying uncertainty depends on both covariate information and our decisions. We adopt regression models to learn the latent decision dependency and construct a nominal distribution (thereby ambiguity sets) around the learned model using empirical residuals from the regressions. Ambiguity sets can be formed via the Wasserstein distance, a sample robust approach, or with the same support as the nominal empirical distribution (e.g., phi-divergences), where both the nominal distribution and the radii of the ambiguity sets could be decision- and covariate-dependent. We provide conditions under which desired statistical properties, such as asymptotic optimality, rates of convergence, and finite sample guarantees, are satisfied. Via cross-validation, we devise data-driven approaches to find the best radii for different ambiguity sets, which can be decision-(in)dependent and covariate-(in)dependent. Through numerical experiments, we illustrate the effectiveness of our approach and the benefits of integrating decision dependency into a residuals-based DRO framework.

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