Emergent Mind

ManiWAV: Learning Robot Manipulation from In-the-Wild Audio-Visual Data

Published Jun 27, 2024 in cs.RO , cs.AI , cs.CV , cs.SD , and eess.AS


Audio signals provide rich information for the robot interaction and object properties through contact. These information can surprisingly ease the learning of contact-rich robot manipulation skills, especially when the visual information alone is ambiguous or incomplete. However, the usage of audio data in robot manipulation has been constrained to teleoperated demonstrations collected by either attaching a microphone to the robot or object, which significantly limits its usage in robot learning pipelines. In this work, we introduce ManiWAV: an 'ear-in-hand' data collection device to collect in-the-wild human demonstrations with synchronous audio and visual feedback, and a corresponding policy interface to learn robot manipulation policy directly from the demonstrations. We demonstrate the capabilities of our system through four contact-rich manipulation tasks that require either passively sensing the contact events and modes, or actively sensing the object surface materials and states. In addition, we show that our system can generalize to unseen in-the-wild environments, by learning from diverse in-the-wild human demonstrations. Project website: https://mani-wav.github.io/

Ear-in-hand gripper for haptic feedback and high-frequency audio during contact-rich tasks.


  • The paper introduces ManiWAV, a system integrating audio signals with visual data to improve contact-rich robot manipulation tasks.

  • Key innovations include audio data augmentation, a transformer-based multimodal learning approach, and sensorimotor policy learning using a diffusion model.

  • Empirical evaluations demonstrate the system's enhanced performance over vision-only baselines in tasks like flipping, wiping, pouring, and taping.

Insights into "ManiWAV: Learning Robot Manipulation from In-the-Wild Audio-Visual Data"

The paper "ManiWAV: Learning Robot Manipulation from In-the-Wild Audio-Visual Data" explores the integration of audio signals into the domain of contact-rich robot manipulation, leveraging the richness of acoustic feedback to enhance learning where visual data alone may be insufficient.


The core premise of the paper is that audio signals, often underutilized in robotics, offer nuanced information about contact events and object properties which can significantly aid the robot's perception and manipulation capabilities. Historically, robotics has predominantly relied on visual and tactile sensors for task execution. The proposed system, ManiWAV, introduces a novel "ear-in-hand" gripper equipped with a piezoelectric contact microphone to capture high-fidelity contact sounds in synchrony with visual data.

Hardware and Software Integration

The ManiWAV system consists of a hand-held data collection device that facilitates in-the-wild human demonstrations. This device is characterized by an embedded contact microphone in a gripper that records audio while simultaneously capturing visual data using a mounted GoPro camera. The recorded audio-visual data is used to train a robot manipulation policy through behavior cloning.

From the hardware perspective, the system addresses the deficiencies of previous audio integration methods which were confined to controlled environments and required intricate setups. The "ear-in-hand" design enables scalable, low-cost data collection in diverse environments.

Algorithmic Contributions

Key algorithmic innovations include:

  1. Audio Data Augmentation: To mitigate domain gaps between in-the-wild collected data and deployment scenarios, the method involves overlaying the audio with background and robot motor noise during training. This encourages the learning of task-relevant audio representations and augments the robustness of the trained policy against noise encountered during real-time operations.

  2. Transformer-Based Multimodal Learning: The system employs the Audio Spectrogram Transformer (AST) for encoding audio signals, which, unlike CNN-based encoders, better captures the temporal and frequency domain intricacies of audio. The vision and audio inputs are fused using a transformer encoder, facilitating an end-to-end policy learning approach.

  3. Sensorimotor Policy Learning: The action prediction is executed using a diffusion model with a UNet architecture, preferred for its capacity to handle the multimodality in human demonstrations by modeling the robot's future trajectory distribution efficiently.

Empirical Evaluation and Results

The effectiveness of the system is validated through four contact-rich manipulation tasks: flipping, wiping, pouring, and taping. The results of these evaluations indicate substantial performance improvements over vision-only baselines. Specifically:

  • Flipping Task: The introduction of audio data significantly bolstered the policy's ability to detect and maintain contact modes during manipulation, which is crucial for tasks like flipping a bagel in a pan.

  • Wiping Task: Tasks requiring sustained contact pressure on surfaces (e.g., wiping a board) showed marked improvement in robustness and accuracy through the inclusion of audio feedback. Particularly, the system maintained consistent contact pressure, a non-trivial feat for vision-only policies.

  • Pouring Task: The system effectively utilized audio feedback to discern object states — for instance, detecting the presence of dice within a cup through shaking-induced vibrations, a scenario challenging for pure vision-based systems.

  • Taping Task: Differentiating surface materials (e.g., distinguishing 'hook' from 'loop' sides of velcro tapes) was achieved with higher fidelity using contact microphones compared to vision-based and environmental mic setups.

Implications and Future Directions

The practical implications of this research are manifold. By integrating scalable, cheap, and robust acoustic sensors, the ManiWAV system could potentially democratize access to advanced robot learning capabilities, extending beyond the laboratory to more varied and dynamic real-world settings. The versatility displayed in four distinct manipulation tasks underscores the potential for broader applications in industrial automation, assistive robotics, and beyond.

Theoretically, the work reinforces the value of multimodal sensory integration in robot learning frameworks. By leveraging underexplored modalities like audio, the research opens new avenues for overcoming limitations inherent to single-modality systems.

Future research directions can further refine the system by addressing its limitations, such as extending its applicability to scenarios with minimal or absent contact sounds (e.g., manipulation of deformable materials). Moreover, a hierarchical network architecture could be developed to optimize action prediction frequency, leveraging the high temporal resolution of audio data.


In summation, the ManiWAV framework presents a compelling case for the integration of audio feedback in robotic manipulation tasks. The methodology and results highlight significant advancements in the robustness and generalizability of manipulation policies. This work stands as an important contribution to the field, paving the way for more nuanced and capable robotic systems.

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