Emergent Mind

An Analysis of Multilingual FActScore

Published Jun 20, 2024 in cs.CL


FActScore has gained popularity as a metric to estimate the factuality of long-form texts generated by LLMs in English. However, there has not been any work in studying the behavior of FActScore in other languages. This paper studies the limitations of each component in the four-component pipeline of FActScore in the multilingual setting. We introduce a new dataset for FActScore on texts generated by strong multilingual LLMs. Our evaluation shows that LLMs exhibit distinct behaviors in both fact extraction and fact scoring tasks. No LLM produces consistent and reliable FActScore across languages with varying levels of resources. We also find that the knowledge source plays an important role in the quality of the estimated FActScore. Using Wikipedia as the knowledge source may hinder the true FActScore of long-form text due to its limited coverage in medium- and low-resource languages. We also incorporate three mitigations to our knowledge source that ultimately improve FActScore estimation across all languages.

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