Emergent Mind


The fields of Origin of Life and Artificial Life both question what life is and how it emerges from a distinct set of "pre-life" dynamics. One common feature of most substrates where life emerges is a marked shift in dynamics when self-replication appears. While there are some hypotheses regarding how self-replicators arose in nature, we know very little about the general dynamics, computational principles, and necessary conditions for self-replicators to emerge. This is especially true on "computational substrates" where interactions involve logical, mathematical, or programming rules. In this paper we take a step towards understanding how self-replicators arise by studying several computational substrates based on various simple programming languages and machine instruction sets. We show that when random, non self-replicating programs are placed in an environment lacking any explicit fitness landscape, self-replicators tend to arise. We demonstrate how this occurs due to random interactions and self-modification, and can happen with and without background random mutations. We also show how increasingly complex dynamics continue to emerge following the rise of self-replicators. Finally, we show a counterexample of a minimalistic programming language where self-replicators are possible, but so far have not been observed to arise.

Self-replicators' ecosystem on a 2D grid, with pixel groups representing Z80 CPU programs evolving over time.


  • The paper investigates the emergence of self-replication in computational systems, focusing on how minimalistic programming languages and machine instruction sets lead to spontaneous self-replicating behaviors through random interactions.

  • Key findings highlight the ability of self-replicators to dominate environments without explicit fitness landscapes, with detailed simulations showing their emergence in BFF (an extended version of Brainfuck), Forth, and real-world instruction sets such as Z80 and 8080 CPUs. However, SUBLEQ did not exhibit this behavior.

  • The research underlines the significance of system dynamics and interactions in the appearance of self-replicators and suggests practical and theoretical implications for artificial intelligence, emphasizing simpler systems, interactivity, and deterministic evolutionary dynamics.

Emergence of Self-Replicating Programs in Computational Substrates

The study by Agüera y Arcas et al. investigates the phenomenon of self-replication in computational systems. The emergence of life from non-life is a topic of tremendous interest in both the Origin of Life (OoL) and Artificial Life (ALife) fields. By focusing on computational substrates, the research contributes critical insights into the dynamics that allow self-replicating programs to arise spontaneously in a variety of programming environments.

Study Overview

The paper primarily explores several minimalistic programming languages and machine instruction sets, elucidating how random interactions among non-self-replicating programs can lead to the emergence of self-replicating behaviors. Noteworthy findings include the ability of self-replicators to emerge in environments devoid of explicit fitness landscapes and their subsequent dominance once they appear. The authors present results from different settings, specifically primordial soup simulations, spatial simulations, and long tape environments, using languages such as BFF (an extended version of Brainfuck), Forth, and real-world instruction sets like the Z80 and 8080 CPUs. Additionally, a counterexample is provided with the SUBLEQ language, where self-replicators were not observed to emerge.

Key Findings and Numerical Results

Emergence in BFF:

  • In randomized primordial soup simulations with extended Brainfuck (BFF), self-replicators appear due to self-modification and interactions without the need for background noise.
  • Complexity metrics such as high-order entropy indicate a notable state transition in approximately 40% of runs within 16,000 epochs.
  • Even without any background mutations, self-replicators arise, suggesting that self-modification and program interactions are the primary contributors.

Spatial and Long Tape Simulations:

  • Introducing spatial constraints (e.g., 2D grids) demonstrates the interesting propagation of self-replicators, highlighting competition and coexistence of diverse replicative variants.
  • Long tape simulations with BFF and Forth show that self-replicators can efficiently take over extensive memory regions. Particularly for Forth, large self-replicating structures emerge, indicating robust replication mechanisms.

Real-World Instruction Sets:

  • Z80 and 8080 CPU simulations confirm the rise of self-replicators in real-world protocols. The Z80 notably exhibits multiple waves of increasingly capable self-replicators.
  • Z80-based systems evolve towards complex behaviors, with observed self-replicators using direct memory copy instructions like LDIR or LDDR, which enhance robustness and replication efficiency.

Counterexample with SUBLEQ:

  • SUBLEQ, despite being Turing-complete, did not exhibit the spontaneous rise of self-replicators in the studied simulations.
  • The hypothesized minimal self-replicator length in SUBLEQ is significantly larger, possibly exceeding the practical limit for spontaneous emergence via random interactions.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

The research underscores the importance of system dynamics and interactions in the appearance of self-replicators. It illustrates that certain computational substrates are conducive environments for the spontaneous rise of life-like behaviors even without predefined fitness landscapes. This has practical implications for artificial intelligence, particularly in the design of open-ended systems capable of evolving complex behaviors autonomously.

Theoretically, the findings suggest that:

  • Length and Complexity of Self-Replicators: Simpler systems with short initial self-replicator lengths are more likely to spontaneously produce life-like behaviors.
  • Interactivity: The degree and nature of interactions between computational elements play a crucial role in facilitating the growth of complexity.
  • Entropy and Randomness: While background mutations accelerate the emergence of self-replicators, deterministic systems based purely on program interactions can still achieve significant evolutionary dynamics.

Speculation on Future Developments

Future research could explore:

  • Extended Simulations: Prolonged and more complex simulations may show further evolutionary behaviors and the rise of higher-order functional systems.
  • Mixed Substrates: Investigating computational ecosystems combining different languages and protocols could reveal new insights into systemic evolution and cooperation.
  • Evolutionary Guidance: Techniques to guide the evolution of such systems towards specific goals or behaviors could bridge gaps between artificial and natural evolution.
  • Diversity and Resilience: Further understanding of how diversity impacts the resilience and adaptability of artificial ecosystems may have profound implications for AI development.

In conclusion, Agüera y Arcas et al.’s exploration into computational life forms advances our understanding of the spontaneous emergence of self-replicating behaviors. By uncovering the conditions conducive to the rise of such behaviors across various computational substrates, the research opens new avenues for the development of autonomous, evolving AI systems and augments our comprehension of life's possible manifestations.

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