Emergent Mind

TrustUQA: A Trustful Framework for Unified Structured Data Question Answering

Published Jun 27, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Natural language question answering (QA) over structured data sources such as tables and knowledge graphs (KGs) have been widely investigated, for example with LLMs. The main solutions include question to formal query parsing and retrieval-based answer generation. However, current methods of the former often suffer from weak generalization, failing to dealing with multiple sources simultaneously, while the later is limited in trustfulness. In this paper, we propose UnifiedTQA, a trustful QA framework that can simultaneously support multiple types of structured data in a unified way. To this end, it adopts an LLM-friendly and unified knowledge representation method called Condition Graph (CG), and uses an LLM and demonstration-based two-level method for CG querying. For enhancement, it is also equipped with dynamic demonstration retrieval. We have evaluated UnifiedTQA with 5 benchmarks covering 3 types of structured data. It outperforms 2 existing unified structured data QA methods and in comparison with the baselines that are specific to a data type, it achieves state-of-the-art on 2 of them. Further more, we demonstrates potential of our method for more general QA tasks, QA over mixed structured data and QA across structured data.

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