Emergent Mind

Binding in hippocampal-entorhinal circuits enables compositionality in cognitive maps

Published Jun 27, 2024 in q-bio.NC and cs.NE


We propose a normative model for spatial representation in the hippocampal formation that combines optimality principles, such as maximizing coding range and spatial information per neuron, with an algebraic framework for computing in distributed representation. Spatial position is encoded in a residue number system, with individual residues represented by high-dimensional, complex-valued vectors. These are composed into a single vector representing position by a similarity-preserving, conjunctive vector-binding operation. Self-consistency between the representations of the overall position and of the individual residues is enforced by a modular attractor network whose modules correspond to the grid cell modules in entorhinal cortex. The vector binding operation can also associate different contexts to spatial representations, yielding a model for entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. We show that the model achieves normative desiderata including superlinear scaling of patterns with dimension, robust error correction, and hexagonal, carry-free encoding of spatial position. These properties in turn enable robust path integration and association with sensory inputs. More generally, the model formalizes how compositional computations could occur in the hippocampal formation and leads to testable experimental predictions.

Remapping of place cells depending on context, resembling experimental findings on hippocampal attractor network dynamics.


  • The paper proposes a computational model of the hippocampal formation (HF) that uses compositionality and vector binding to manage spatial representation and navigation.

  • Spatial positions are encoded using a residue number system (RNS) and high-dimensional vectors, with vector binding operations to enhance accuracy and robustness.

  • The model includes a modular attractor network that mimics grid cells in the entorhinal cortex for robust path integration and sensory associations, also explaining hexagonal grid cell firing patterns.

Binding in Hippocampal-Entorhinal Circuits Enables Compositionality in Cognitive Maps

The paper "Binding in hippocampal-entorhinal circuits enables compositionality in cognitive maps" presents a normative, computational model of the hippocampal formation (HF) that leverages compositionality and vector binding to manage spatial representation and navigation. The HF, comprising the hippocampus and the medial and lateral parts of the entorhinal cortex (MEC and LEC, respectively), is essential for memory formation and spatial representation.

Key Insights

The authors propose that spatial representation in the HF can be effectively modeled using a residue number system (RNS), in which spatial position is encoded through high-dimensional, complex-valued vectors. This encoding is then augmented through a similarity-preserving, conjunctive vector-binding operation. The core contributions of the paper can be summarized as follows:

Residue Number System Encoding:

  • Spatial positions are encoded using RNS, where individual residues are represented by high-dimensional vectors.
  • These vectors are further composed into a single vector representing overall position through a vector-binding operation.
  • The Chinese Remainder Theorem ensures each integer in the range [0,M-1] has a unique representation.

Normative Principles:

  • Encoding space using a compositional code with high spatial resolution and robustness to noise.
  • Use of random Fourier features to uniquely represent residues with nearly orthogonal vectors.
  • Vector binding to conjunctively combine individual residues.
  • Path integration via simple vector manipulations, facilitated by vector binding properties.

Attractor Network:

  • A modular attractor network model supports these computations, with modules corresponding to grid cells in the entorhinal cortex.
  • This resonator network factorizes encoded positions into RNS components, ensuring robust path integration and sensory associations.
  • The authors empirically demonstrate the network's ability to achieve superlinear scaling of pattern representation in terms of coding range with dimension, and robust error correction.

Hexagonal Coding Lattice:

  • In 2D environments, the model implements a hexagonal coding lattice, explaining the observed hexagonal firing patterns of grid cells.
  • The construction involves projecting positions into a triangular frame, preserving spatial information and enabling hexagonal coding.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The implications of this research are significant for both theoretical neuroscience and the development of artificial intelligence systems:

Theoretical Implications:

  • The model provides a structured explanation of how compositional computations might occur in the HF, aligning with experimental observations of grid and place cells.
  • It suggests a novel mechanism for binding and updating spatial representations, supported by biological evidence of dendritic interactions.
  • The research provides testable predictions, such as modular updates between grid modules and the involvement of specific attractor dynamics.

Practical Implications:

  • The model offers insights into the design of artificial systems for spatial navigation and memory, potentially informing advancements in robotics and AI.
  • By addressing error correction and noise robustness, the model paves the way for more resilient cognitive architectures.
  • The proposed method of hexagonal coding could inspire the design of spatial encoding schemes in neuromorphic hardware.

Future Directions

The model opens avenues for several future research directions:

Biophysical Realism:

  • Integrating more biophysically accurate models of neurons and synaptic interactions could enhance the biological fidelity of the model.

Learning Mechanisms:

  • Extending the model to include dynamic learning rules and plasticity mechanisms would better capture the adaptive functionality of the HF.

Complex Task Performance:

  • Testing the model in more complex navigation and memory tasks, and incorporating multiple sensory modalities, could further validate its performance and generality.

Neuromorphic Implementations:

  • Developing neuromorphic hardware implementations based on this model could provide efficient, scalable systems for real-world applications.

In conclusion, the paper presents a sophisticated normative model that successfully integrates compositionality and vector binding to explain key functionalities of the hippocampal formation. The rigorous theoretical framework and strong empirical results underscore the model's potential to significantly advance our understanding of spatial coding and navigation in both biological and artificial systems.

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