Emergent Mind

RouteLLM: Learning to Route LLMs with Preference Data

Published Jun 26, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.CL


LLMs exhibit impressive capabilities across a wide range of tasks, yet the choice of which model to use often involves a trade-off between performance and cost. More powerful models, though effective, come with higher expenses, while less capable models are more cost-effective. To address this dilemma, we propose several efficient router models that dynamically select between a stronger and a weaker LLM during inference, aiming to optimize the balance between cost and response quality. We develop a training framework for these routers leveraging human preference data and data augmentation techniques to enhance performance. Our evaluation on widely-recognized benchmarks shows that our approach significantly reduces costs-by over 2 times in certain cases-without compromising the quality of responses. Interestingly, our router models also demonstrate significant transfer learning capabilities, maintaining their performance even when the strong and weak models are changed at test time. This highlights the potential of these routers to provide a cost-effective yet high-performance solution for deploying LLMs.

Routing performance/cost trade-off between GPT-4 and Mixtral-8x7B, showcasing routers, data augmentation, and key metrics.


  • The paper 'RouteLLM: Learning to Route LLMs with Preference Data' proposes an efficient dynamic routing approach to balance the cost and performance trade-off in deploying LLMs.

  • The authors introduce a binary routing function and employ human preference data and data augmentation techniques to dynamically decide which model should handle each query, optimizing both response quality and operational costs.

  • Extensive evaluations demonstrate significant cost savings and robust performance across different model pairings, with the routers effectively navigating the cost-quality landscape and showing potential for broad applicability and further research.

An Analysis of "RouteLLM: Learning to Route LLMs with Preference Data"

The paper "RouteLLM: Learning to Route LLMs with Preference Data" addresses the practical dilemma in deploying LLMs, which often involves a trade-off between performance and cost. The authors propose an efficient approach to dynamically route queries between a stronger, more capable model and a weaker, more cost-effective model.

Core Contributions and Methodology

The paper sets forth several critical contributions:

  1. Problem Formulation: The LLM routing problem is methodically framed to navigate the cost-quality trade-off. The authors introduce a binary routing function based on the probability of a strong model winning as predicted by a trained win prediction model. This leverages preference data to inform routing decisions prior to inference, therefore being capable of adapting to query complexity and model capabilities.
  2. Router Training Framework: The proposed framework employs human preference data in conjunction with data augmentation techniques to train various router models. These models dynamically decide which model should handle each query to optimize response quality against operational costs.
  3. Implementation and Evaluation: The authors implement several router models, including similarity-weighted ranking, matrix factorization, BERT classifier, and causal LLM classifier. Extensive evaluations on publicly recognized benchmarks—MMLU, MT Bench, and GSM8K—demonstrate the cost savings and quality preservation capabilities of their approach.

Key Results

The results showcased in the paper are quantitatively significant:

  • Cost Savings: The router models were able to achieve cost reductions by over 2 times in specific scenarios without substantial loss in response quality. For example, the causal LLM router and matrix factorization router significantly outperformed random routing baselines in terms of both cost-efficiency and performance metrics.
  • Out-of-Domain Generalization: The router models maintain robust performance even when tested with different strong and weak models not seen during training. Such results argue for the flexibility and generalizability of these routers across various model pairings.
  • Data Augmentation Efficacy: The study highlights how augmenting training data using synthetic labels from an LLM judge or augmentations from golden-label datasets markedly improves the routers' performance. A noteworthy aspect is that even small augmentations such as the 1500 samples from MMLU validation split remarkably enhanced performance on the MMLU benchmark.

Implications and Future Directions

The practical implications of this research are both extensive and impactful. Deploying LLMs in a cost-effective manner without degrading user experience is crucial in scaling NLP applications. The ability of the proposed routers to effectively navigate the performance-cost landscape ensures a more economical deployment of LLMs across various real-world applications, ranging from conversational AI to complex document analysis.

Theoretical Implications

The paper solidifies the foundational framework for LLM routing, setting the stage for further theoretical exploration in adaptive query routing methodologies. Additionally, the navigation of the cost-quality trade-off as a structured optimization problem presents a robust paradigm for further research into model selection and orchestration strategies in machine learning operations.

Future Developments

Future research may focus on extending the binary routing problem to multi-model scenarios, developing more fine-grained strategies for multi-way routing. Additionally, refining the benchmarks and preference datasets to include more diverse and contextually varied queries could further enhance routings' adaptability and real-world applicability. Another prospective area is improving the efficiency and throughput of more capacity-intensive routers, such as those leveraging BERT or causal LLMs, to further minimize the overhead in large-scale deployments.

In summary, "RouteLLM: Learning to Route LLMs with Preference Data" offers a comprehensive and pragmatic approach to utility optimization in the deployment of LLMs. By introducing and validating efficient routing techniques, the paper advances both the practical and theoretical landscapes of LLM utilization. This study serves as a substantive stepping stone for procuring cost-effective solutions without compromising on the performance and accuracy that is imperative in modern-day AI applications.

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