Emergent Mind


We propose a novel text-to-video (T2V) generation benchmark, ChronoMagic-Bench, to evaluate the temporal and metamorphic capabilities of the T2V models (e.g. Sora and Lumiere) in time-lapse video generation. In contrast to existing benchmarks that focus on the visual quality and textual relevance of generated videos, ChronoMagic-Bench focuses on the model's ability to generate time-lapse videos with significant metamorphic amplitude and temporal coherence. The benchmark probes T2V models for their physics, biology, and chemistry capabilities, in a free-form text query. For these purposes, ChronoMagic-Bench introduces 1,649 prompts and real-world videos as references, categorized into four major types of time-lapse videos: biological, human-created, meteorological, and physical phenomena, which are further divided into 75 subcategories. This categorization comprehensively evaluates the model's capacity to handle diverse and complex transformations. To accurately align human preference with the benchmark, we introduce two new automatic metrics, MTScore and CHScore, to evaluate the videos' metamorphic attributes and temporal coherence. MTScore measures the metamorphic amplitude, reflecting the degree of change over time, while CHScore assesses the temporal coherence, ensuring the generated videos maintain logical progression and continuity. Based on the ChronoMagic-Bench, we conduct comprehensive manual evaluations of ten representative T2V models, revealing their strengths and weaknesses across different categories of prompts, and providing a thorough evaluation framework that addresses current gaps in video generation research. Moreover, we create a large-scale ChronoMagic-Pro dataset, containing 460k high-quality pairs of 720p time-lapse videos and detailed captions ensuring high physical pertinence and large metamorphic amplitude.

Comparison of T2V generation methods struggling to create time-lapse videos with high physics prior content.


  • ChronoMagic-Bench is a new benchmark for evaluating Text-to-Video (T2V) generative models, focusing on their ability to produce time-lapse videos with metamorphic amplitude and temporal coherence.

  • The benchmark comprises a detailed dataset with 1,649 prompts and real-world videos, introducing metrics such as MTScore for assessing changes over time and CHScore for evaluating logical progression.

  • The study provides a substantial dataset of 460,000 pairs of time-lapse videos and captions, and through evaluation, it highlights the existing strengths and weaknesses of current T2V models while proposing significant improvements in training methods and evaluation standards.

An Essay on ChronoMagic-Bench: A Benchmark for Metamorphic Evaluation of Text-to-Time-lapse Video Generation

ChronoMagic-Bench introduces a novel and distinct approach to evaluating generative Text-to-Video (T2V) models, focusing on their capacity to produce time-lapse videos. Unlike prior benchmarks that emphasize visual quality and textual relevance, ChronoMagic-Bench prioritizes metamorphic amplitude and temporal coherence, key attributes essential for generating time-lapse videos. The authors assert that current benchmarks inadequately address these aspects, thereby motivating the development of a more comprehensive evaluation framework.

Key Contributions

  1. Benchmark Creation: ChronoMagic-Bench is composed of a meticulously curated dataset including 1,649 prompts and corresponding real-world videos. These prompts cover four major categories—biological, human-created, meteorological, and physical phenomena—with further subdivision into 75 subcategories. This extensive categorization allows for a thorough evaluation of a T2V model's ability to handle diverse and intricate transformations.

  2. Novel Evaluation Metrics: The benchmark introduces two automatic metrics: MTScore and CHScore. MTScore evaluates the metamorphic amplitude, assessing the degree of change over time within the generated video. CHScore measures temporal coherence, ensuring that the videos maintain logical progression and continuity. Together, these metrics present a holistic evaluation of T2V models beyond the typical focus on visual quality and text alignment.

  3. Large-Scale Dataset: ChronoMagic-Pro is a new dataset containing 460,000 high-quality pairs of 720p time-lapse videos and detailed captions. This data provides a significant resource for training and evaluating T2V models, promoting advancements in the field.

Evaluation and Findings

Utilizing ChronoMagic-Bench, the authors conducted extensive evaluations of ten representative T2V models. Several key findings emerged from these evaluations:

Strengths and Weaknesses in Existing Models:

  • Almost all models struggled to generate time-lapse videos with significant variations and changes, indicating a gap in their training on general video datasets.
  • Common issues such as poor prompt adherence and flickering, although visual quality of individual frames was commendable, highlighted deficiencies in temporal coherence.

Human Alignment:

  • The MTScore and CHScore metrics were shown to align well with human judgment, validating their efficacy in evaluating metamorphic attributes and coherence.

Comparative Performance:

  • Open-source models generally lagged behind in generating realistic and varied time-lapse videos, emphasizing the need for better datasets and training paradigms.

Practical Implications

The practical implications of this research are substantial. The proposed benchmark and dataset serve to advance the capabilities of T2V models in several ways:

  • Model Training: ChronicleMagic-Pro provides a substantial and quality dataset that can enhance the training regimes of existing models. This is crucial for models to learn and replicate substantial real-world transformations in video generation.

  • Model Evaluation: The new metrics (MTScore and CHScore) offer a more nuanced and comprehensive method to evaluate and improve T2V models, especially those targeting applications in scientific visualization, education, and entertainment where time-lapse video generation is critical.

Theoretical Implications and Future Directions

The research also provides significant theoretical contributions:

  • Benchmark Design: By shifting focus to metamorphic amplitude and temporal coherence, the paper sets a precedent for future benchmarks to consider these aspects for time-based media generation.

  • Algorithm Development: The insights gained can guide future algorithmic improvements, particularly in how temporal information is encoded and maintained across frames to avoid issues like flickering.

Future developments in AI, building on this research, could potentially lead to more robust and versatile T2V models capable of generating high-quality time-lapse videos. This would entail more comprehensive datasets, innovative training methodologies, and advanced metrics that further align with human perception.


ChronoMagic-Bench represents a significant advancement in the evaluation of T2V generative models, particularly in their ability to produce time-lapse videos. By addressing current shortcomings and introducing innovative metrics and datasets, this research provides a foundational benchmark for future advancements in the field. The comprehensive evaluation framework and robust dataset yield critical insights for both practitioners and researchers, steering the development of more capable and coherent T2V models.

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