Emergent Mind


There is an increasing trend towards evaluating NLP models with LLM-generated judgments instead of human judgments. In the absence of a comparison against human data, this raises concerns about the validity of these evaluations; in case they are conducted with proprietary models, this also raises concerns over reproducibility. We provide JUDGE-BENCH, a collection of 20 NLP datasets with human annotations, and comprehensively evaluate 11 current LLMs, covering both open-weight and proprietary models, for their ability to replicate the annotations. Our evaluations show that each LLM exhibits a large variance across datasets in its correlation to human judgments. We conclude that LLMs are not yet ready to systematically replace human judges in NLP.

Evaluations by experts, non-experts, and LLMs on human-generated (left) and machine-generated text (right).


  • The paper presents Judge-Bench, a comprehensive benchmark collection for evaluating the feasibility of using LLMs as judges in NLP tasks, comparing these models to traditional human judgments.

  • Key findings show significant variability in LLM performance across different datasets, suggesting LLMs are not yet ready to replace human judges systematically. Some open models like Llama3-70B demonstrate promise, closing the gap with proprietary models like GPT-4o.

  • The study highlights concerns about data leakage, reproducibility, and transparency, recommending caution in replacing human judges with LLMs and suggesting future research directions such as refining prompt engineering and mitigating biases.

Evaluating the Validity of LLMs as Judges in NLP: A Detailed Analysis

The paper "LLMs instead of Human Judges? A Large Scale Empirical Study across 20 NLP Evaluation Tasks" by Anna Bavaresco, Raffaella Bernardi, and their co-authors provides a comprehensive empirical study on the feasibility of using LLMs for evaluating NLP tasks traditionally judged by humans. This study is critical given the growing trend of employing LLMs in place of human judges, which raises questions about the validity and reproducibility of such assessments.

Overview of the Research and Methodology

The authors introduce Judge-Bench, a new benchmarking collection encompassing 20 diverse NLP datasets with human annotations. The study evaluates 11 contemporary LLMs—including both open-weight and proprietary models—across these datasets to measure how well LLM-generated judgments align with human annotations.

Key Findings

One of the paper's central findings is the significant variance exhibited by the LLMs across different datasets, which indicates that these models are not yet ready to replace human judges in NLP tasks systematically. Specific observations can be summarized as follows:

  • Variability Across Models and Tasks: Each LLM demonstrated inconsistent performance across datasets. For instance, proprietary models like GPT-4o showed high correlation on some tasks but performed poorly on others.
  • Comparison of Human and LLM Judgments: The study revealed a decreasing gap between open and closed models, with Llama3-70B emerging as a close second to GPT-4o. This suggests promising directions for open models' reproducibility.
  • Performance on Different Annotation Types: The LLMs showed better alignment with human judgments when assessing human-generated language as compared to machine-generated texts.

Implications and Recommendations

The results have significant implications for both practical applications and theoretical understandings of NLP model evaluation. The authors recommend caution when using LLMs to replace human judges due to the variability in performance and the potential for misleading conclusions. Moreover, they highlight the issues of data leakage and reproducibility, especially with proprietary models, suggesting a need for transparency and standardization in future evaluations.

Future Directions

Future research in this domain could explore:

  1. Refining Prompts: Further studies could investigate how different prompt engineering strategies affect LLM performance in evaluations.
  2. Multi-Lingual Evaluation: While this study focused on English, extending Judge-Bench to include other languages could provide more comprehensive insights.
  3. Mitigating Biases: Additional work is needed to understand and mitigate the biases LLMs might introduce in fine-grained tasks such as toxicity evaluation.


The paper rigorously examines the current capabilities of LLMs to serve as judges in various NLP tasks. While LLMs demonstrate potential, their inconsistent performance underscores the necessity of continued reliance on human judgment in many cases. The authors contribute valuable tools and methodologies, positioning Judge-Bench as a living benchmark for future research.

The release of Judge-Bench, along with its accompanying codebase, promises to facilitate ongoing and future research in this space, encouraging transparency and reproducibility in NLP model evaluations.

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