Emergent Mind

Video Inpainting Localization with Contrastive Learning

Published Jun 25, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.CR


Deep video inpainting is typically used as malicious manipulation to remove important objects for creating fake videos. It is significant to identify the inpainted regions blindly. This letter proposes a simple yet effective forensic scheme for Video Inpainting LOcalization with ContrAstive Learning (ViLocal). Specifically, a 3D Uniformer encoder is applied to the video noise residual for learning effective spatiotemporal forensic features. To enhance the discriminative power, supervised contrastive learning is adopted to capture the local inconsistency of inpainted videos through attracting/repelling the positive/negative pristine and forged pixel pairs. A pixel-wise inpainting localization map is yielded by a lightweight convolution decoder with a specialized two-stage training strategy. To prepare enough training samples, we build a video object segmentation dataset of 2500 videos with pixel-level annotations per frame. Extensive experimental results validate the superiority of ViLocal over state-of-the-arts. Code and dataset will be available at https://github.com/multimediaFor/ViLocal.

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