Emergent Mind


LLMs have recently demonstrated remarkable performance across diverse language tasks. But their deployment is often constrained by their substantial computational and storage requirements. Quantization has emerged as a key technique for addressing this challenge, enabling the compression of large models with minimal impact on performance. The recent GPTQ algorithm, a post-training quantization (PTQ) method, has proven highly effective for compressing LLMs, sparking a wave of research that leverages GPTQ as a core component. Recognizing the pivotal role of GPTQ in the PTQ landscape, we introduce CDQuant, a simple and scalable alternative to GPTQ with improved performance. CDQuant uses coordinate descent to minimize the layer-wise reconstruction loss to achieve high-quality quantized weights. Our algorithm is easy to implement and scales efficiently to models with hundreds of billions of parameters. Through extensive evaluation on the PaLM2 model family, we demonstrate that CDQuant consistently outperforms GPTQ across diverse model sizes and quantization levels. In particular, for INT2 quantization of PaLM2-Otter, CDQuant achieves a 10% reduction in perplexity compared to GPTQ.

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