Emergent Mind


Deep neural networks learn increasingly complex functions over the course of training. Here, we show both empirically and theoretically that learning of the target function is preceded by an early phase in which networks learn the optimal constant solution (OCS) - that is, initial model responses mirror the distribution of target labels, while entirely ignoring information provided in the input. Using a hierarchical category learning task, we derive exact solutions for learning dynamics in deep linear networks trained with bias terms. Even when initialized to zero, this simple architectural feature induces substantial changes in early dynamics. We identify hallmarks of this early OCS phase and illustrate how these signatures are observed in deep linear networks and larger, more complex (and nonlinear) convolutional neural networks solving a hierarchical learning task based on MNIST and CIFAR10. We explain these observations by proving that deep linear networks necessarily learn the OCS during early learning. To further probe the generality of our results, we train human learners over the course of three days on the category learning task. We then identify qualitative signatures of this early OCS phase in terms of the dynamics of true negative (correct-rejection) rates. Surprisingly, we find the same early reliance on the OCS in the behaviour of human learners. Finally, we show that learning of the OCS can emerge even in the absence of bias terms and is equivalently driven by generic correlations in the input data. Overall, our work suggests the OCS as a universal learning principle in supervised, error-corrective learning, and the mechanistic reasons for its prevalence.

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