Emergent Mind

Deep Learning and Chaos: A combined Approach To Image Encryption and Decryption

Published Jun 24, 2024 in cs.CR and nlin.CD


In this paper, we introduce a novel image encryption and decryption algorithm using hyperchaotic signals from the novel 3D hyperchaotic map, 2D memristor map, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and key sensitivity analysis to achieve robust security and high efficiency. The encryption starts with the scrambling of gray images by using a 3D hyperchaotic map to yield complex sequences under disruption of pixel values; the robustness of this original encryption is further reinforced by employing a CNN to learn the intricate patterns and add the safety layer. The robustness of the encryption algorithm is shown by key sensitivity analysis, i.e., the average sensitivity of the algorithm to key elements. The other factors and systems of unauthorized decryption, even with slight variations in the keys, can alter the decryption procedure, resulting in the ineffective recreation of the decrypted image. Statistical analysis includes entropy analysis, correlation analysis, histogram analysis, and other security analyses like anomaly detection, all of which confirm the high security and effectiveness of the proposed encryption method. Testing of the algorithm under various noisy conditions is carried out to test robustness against Gaussian noise. Metrics for differential analysis, such as the NPCR (Number of Pixel Change Rate)and UACI (Unified Average Change Intensity), are also used to determine the strength of encryption. At the same time, the empirical validation was performed on several test images, which showed that the proposed encryption techniques have practical applicability and are robust to noise. Simulation results and comparative analyses illustrate that our encryption scheme possesses excellent visual security, decryption quality, and computational efficiency, and thus, it is efficient for secure image transmission and storage in big data applications.

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