Emergent Mind


Segmenting text into sentences plays an early and crucial role in many NLP systems. This is commonly achieved by using rule-based or statistical methods relying on lexical features such as punctuation. Although some recent works no longer exclusively rely on punctuation, we find that no prior method achieves all of (i) robustness to missing punctuation, (ii) effective adaptability to new domains, and (iii) high efficiency. We introduce a new model - Segment any Text (SaT) - to solve this problem. To enhance robustness, we propose a new pretraining scheme that ensures less reliance on punctuation. To address adaptability, we introduce an extra stage of parameter-efficient fine-tuning, establishing state-of-the-art performance in distinct domains such as verses from lyrics and legal documents. Along the way, we introduce architectural modifications that result in a threefold gain in speed over the previous state of the art and solve spurious reliance on context far in the future. Finally, we introduce a variant of our model with fine-tuning on a diverse, multilingual mixture of sentence-segmented data, acting as a drop-in replacement and enhancement for existing segmentation tools. Overall, our contributions provide a universal approach for segmenting any text. Our method outperforms all baselines - including strong LLMs - across 8 corpora spanning diverse domains and languages, especially in practically relevant situations where text is poorly formatted. Our models and code, including documentation, are available at https://huggingface.co/segment-any-text under the MIT license.

F1 scores and inference time of prior SoTA and SaT models on Ersatz sentence segmentation.


  • The paper introduces 'Segment Any Text' (SaT), a model designed to offer robustness, adaptability, and efficiency in sentence segmentation, addressing gaps in existing methods.

  • SaT leverages a novel pretraining procedure to reduce punctuation dependence, parameter-efficient fine-tuning via LoRA for domain adaptation, and architectural enhancements for increased processing speed.

  • Experimental results across 85 languages show SaT outperforms existing methods in robustness, adaptability, and efficiency, making it suitable for real-time applications and various noisy textual data scenarios.

Segment Any Text: A Universal Approach for Robust, Efficient and Adaptable Sentence Segmentation

Text segmentation into sentences is essential for numerous NLP tasks, most notably because many models operate more effectively when input is separated into individual sentences. Existing methods, both rule-based and statistical, have often proven inadequate, especially in scenarios that involve missing punctuation, require adaptability across different domains, or necessitate high processing efficiency. This paper introduces "Segment Any Text" (SaT), a model purporting to offer robustness, adaptability, and efficiency in sentence segmentation, overcoming limitations in previous approaches.

Key Contributions

  1. Robustness: SaT integrates a novel pretraining procedure that reduces reliance on punctuation. This is crucial for scenarios involving poorly punctuated texts or error-prone outputs from Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems.
  2. Adaptability: SaT introduces a fine-tuning stage allowing the model to adapt effectively to new domains with minimal data. This method, using parameter-efficient fine-tuning via LoRA, outperforms previous domain adaptation techniques.
  3. Efficiency: Through architectural modifications, SaT achieves a threefold gain in processing speed over current state-of-the-art methods. This efficiency is evidenced in the reduced inference times measured across various corpora.


SaT operates on subwords, avoiding the bottleneck associated with character-level models. The pretraining is conducted on multilingual data using a subword tokenizer and effectively predicts sentence boundaries without reliance on punctuation or language-specific rules. This stage involves a unique approach to data corruption: random removal of casing and punctuation, and the introduction of additional perturbations to simulate realistic input noise. The model further improves through a supervised fine-tuning stage using high-quality sentence-segmented corpora across multiple languages.

To address the variability in sentence boundaries across domains, SaT employs parameter-efficient fine-tuning via LoRA, significantly reducing the need for large, domain-specific datasets. For efficiency, SaT uses subword tokenization and processes tokens consisting of multiple characters, making it faster than character-level models.

Experimental Results

Evaluation across 85 languages using datasets from various domains reveals that:

  • SaT outperforms rule-based, statistical, and existing machine learning-based methods including new LLM-based baselines such as Cohere's Command R and Meta's LLaMA.
  • SaT achieves robustness against text corruption, outperforming previous methods in scenarios devoid of typical punctuation cues.
  • In terms of adaptability, SaT's fine-tuning capabilities demonstrate superior performance in domain-specific tasks such as segmenting legal documents and lyrics, with performance surpassing domain-specific models using as few as 16 examples.
  • Efficiency assessments reveal a threefold reduction in inference time while maintaining or improving segmentation accuracy, marking SaT as an efficient solution for real-world applications.

Implications and Future Directions

The research holds substantial implications for both theoretical and practical applications within the NLP community. The demonstrated robustness and efficiency make SaT an ideal candidate for deployment in real-time systems, notably in domains with irregular or noisy textual data. From a theoretical standpoint, SaT’s success underscores the importance of holistic training approaches that incorporate noise resilience and parameter-efficient adaptation.

Future developments may include:

  • Extending the architecture to support more languages beyond the current 85, potentially using more diverse multilingual corpora such as MADLAD-400.
  • Further optimization and benchmarking of the efficiency of SaT, specifically focusing on different hardware configurations to maximize real-world applicability.
  • Exploring integration into larger NLP pipelines, assessing impact on downstream tasks like translation, summarization, and sentiment analysis.

In conclusion, SaT presents a significant advancement in the field of sentence segmentation, balancing robustness, efficiency, and adaptability. Its universal applicability across diverse languages and domains, combined with state-of-the-art performance, sets a new standard in text segmentation methodologies and paves the way for more resilient and efficient NLP systems.

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