Emergent Mind

Large Language Models Are Cross-Lingual Knowledge-Free Reasoners

Published Jun 24, 2024 in cs.CL


LLMs have demonstrated impressive reasoning capabilities across multiple languages. However, the relationship between capabilities in different languages is less explored. In this work, we decompose the process of reasoning tasks into two separated parts: knowledge retrieval and knowledge-free reasoning, and analyze the cross-lingual transferability of them. With adapted and constructed knowledge-free reasoning datasets, we show that the knowledge-free reasoning capability can be nearly perfectly transferred across various source-target language directions despite the secondary impact of resource in some specific target languages, while cross-lingual knowledge retrieval significantly hinders the transfer. Moreover, by analyzing the hidden states and feed-forward network neuron activation during the reasoning tasks, we show that higher similarity of hidden representations and larger overlap of activated neurons could explain the better cross-lingual transferability of knowledge-free reasoning than knowledge retrieval. Thus, we hypothesize that knowledge-free reasoning embeds in some language-shared mechanism, while knowledge is stored separately in different languages.

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