Emergent Mind

A Local Search Algorithm for MaxSMT(LIA)

Published Jun 22, 2024 in cs.SC and cs.LO


MaxSAT modulo theories (MaxSMT) is an important generalization of Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) with various applications. In this paper, we focus on MaxSMT with the background theory of Linear Integer Arithmetic, denoted as MaxSMT(LIA). We design the first local search algorithm for MaxSMT(LIA) called PairLS, based on the following novel ideas. A novel operator called pairwise operator is proposed for integer variables. It extends the original local search operator by simultaneously operating on two variables, enriching the search space. Moreover, a compensation-based picking heuristic is proposed to determine and distinguish the pairwise operations. Experiments are conducted to evaluate our algorithm on massive benchmarks. The results show that our solver is competitive with state-of-the-art MaxSMT solvers. Furthermore, we also apply the pairwise operation to enhance the local search algorithm of SMT, which shows its extensibility.

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