Emergent Mind

Open-vocabulary Pick and Place via Patch-level Semantic Maps

Published Jun 21, 2024 in cs.RO


Controlling robots through natural language instructions in open-vocabulary scenarios is pivotal for enhancing human-robot collaboration and complex robot behavior synthesis. However, achieving this capability poses significant challenges due to the need for a system that can generalize from limited data to a wide range of tasks and environments. Existing methods rely on large, costly datasets and struggle with generalization. This paper introduces Grounded Equivariant Manipulation (GEM), a novel approach that leverages the generative capabilities of pre-trained vision-language models and geometric symmetries to facilitate few-shot and zero-shot learning for open-vocabulary robot manipulation tasks. Our experiments demonstrate GEM's high sample efficiency and superior generalization across diverse pick-and-place tasks in both simulation and real-world experiments, showcasing its ability to adapt to novel instructions and unseen objects with minimal data requirements. GEM advances a significant step forward in the domain of language-conditioned robot control, bridging the gap between semantic understanding and action generation in robotic systems.

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