Emergent Mind

Unsupervised Extraction of Dialogue Policies from Conversations

Published Jun 21, 2024 in cs.CL


Dialogue policies play a crucial role in developing task-oriented dialogue systems, yet their development and maintenance are challenging and typically require substantial effort from experts in dialogue modeling. While in many situations, large amounts of conversational data are available for the task at hand, people lack an effective solution able to extract dialogue policies from this data. In this paper, we address this gap by first illustrating how LLMs can be instrumental in extracting dialogue policies from datasets, through the conversion of conversations into a unified intermediate representation consisting of canonical forms. We then propose a novel method for generating dialogue policies utilizing a controllable and interpretable graph-based methodology. By combining canonical forms across conversations into a flow network, we find that running graph traversal algorithms helps in extracting dialogue flows. These flows are a better representation of the underlying interactions than flows extracted by prompting LLMs. Our technique focuses on giving conversation designers greater control, offering a productivity tool to improve the process of developing dialogue policies.

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