Emergent Mind

Exact discovery is polynomial for sparse causal Bayesian networks

Published Jun 21, 2024 in stat.CO and stat.ML


Causal Bayesian networks are widely used tools for summarising the dependencies between variables and elucidating their putative causal relationships. Learning networks from data is computationally hard in general. The current state-of-the-art approaches for exact causal discovery are integer linear programming over the underlying space of directed acyclic graphs, dynamic programming and shortest-path searches over the space of topological orders, and constraint programming combining both. For dynamic programming over orders, the computational complexity is known to be exponential base 2 in the number of variables in the network. We demonstrate how to use properties of Bayesian networks to prune the search space and lower the computational cost, while still guaranteeing exact discovery. When including new path-search and divide-and-conquer criteria, we prove optimality in quadratic time for matchings, and polynomial time for any network class with logarithmically-bound largest connected components. In simulation studies we observe the polynomial dependence for sparse networks and that, beyond some critical value, the logarithm of the base grows with the network density. Our approach then out-competes the state-of-the-art at lower densities. These results therefore pave the way for faster exact causal discovery in larger and sparser networks.

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