Emergent Mind


Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs) are optimization problems with significant real-world implications in logistics, transportation, and supply chain management. Despite the recent progress made in learning to solve individual VRP variants, there is a lack of a unified approach that can effectively tackle a wide range of tasks, which is crucial for real-world impact. This paper introduces RouteFinder, a framework for developing foundation models for VRPs. Our key idea is that a foundation model for VRPs should be able to model variants by treating each variant as a subset of a larger VRP problem, equipped with different attributes. We introduce a parallelized environment that can handle any combination of attributes at the same time in a batched manner, and an efficient sampling procedure to train on a mix of problems at each optimization step that can greatly improve convergence robustness. We also introduce novel Global Feature Embeddings that project instance-wise attributes efficiently onto the latent space and help the model understand different VRP variants. Finally, we introduce Efficient Adapter Layers, a simple yet effective technique to finetune pre-trained RouteFinder models to solve novel variants with previously unseen attributes outside of the original feature space. We validate our approach through extensive experiments on 24 VRP variants, demonstrating competitive results over recent multi-task learning models. We make our code openly available at https://github.com/ai4co/routefinder.

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