Emergent Mind

A review of feature selection strategies utilizing graph data structures and knowledge graphs

Published Jun 21, 2024 in cs.LG , stat.AP , and stat.ML


Feature selection in Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are increasingly utilized in diverse domains, including biomedical research, NLP, and personalized recommendation systems. This paper explore the methodologies for feature selection within KGs, emphasizing their roles in enhancing ML model efficacy, hypothesis generation, and interpretability. Through this comprehensive review, we aim to catalyze further innovation in feature selection for KGs, paving the way for more insightful, efficient, and interpretable analytical models across various domains. Our exploration reveals the critical importance of scalability, accuracy, and interpretability in feature selection techniques, advocating for the integration of domain knowledge to refine the selection process. We highlight the burgeoning potential of multi-objective optimization and interdisciplinary collaboration in advancing KG feature selection, underscoring the transformative impact of such methodologies on precision medicine, among other fields. The paper concludes by charting future directions, including the development of scalable, dynamic feature selection algorithms and the integration of explainable AI principles to foster transparency and trust in KG-driven models.

Interrelated feature selection process for predicting multiple diseases using a binary relevance classifier.


  • The paper reviews various feature selection methods within Knowledge Graphs (KGs), emphasizing their impact on machine learning model efficacy, hypothesis generation, and interpretability.

  • Key methods discussed include causal discovery-search algorithms, dimensionality reduction, similarity-based methods, KG embeddings, and advanced network representation learning utilizing deep learning frameworks.

  • The paper identifies future research directions like causal inference techniques, multi-objective optimization, and real-time feature selection to address challenges such as high dimensionality, data heterogeneity, and interpretability.

A Review of Feature Selection on Knowledge Graphs

Feature selection in Knowledge Graphs (KGs) facilitates crucial advancements throughout various domains, including biomedical research, NLP, and personalized recommendation systems. The paper, "A Review of Feature Selection on Knowledge Graphs," explore different methodologies for feature selection within KGs, highlighting their impacts on ML model efficacy, hypothesis generation, and interpretability. This essay summarizes the key aspects, methodologies, challenges, and future directions presented in the paper.


Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have become an essential tool for managing large-scale digital information. They represent entities and their relationships through triplets (subject-predicate-object), enabling comprehensive data analysis. Modern applications range from healthcare, exemplified by platforms such as Bio2RDF and PrimeKG, to web-based technologies, such as the Google KG and DBpedia. The integration of clinical and environmental factors within KGs supports precision medicine by enabling personalized patient care strategies.

Feature selection involves identifying relevant input variables to improve analysis, crucial in mitigating the curse of dimensionality. As KGs grow, selecting pertinent attributes ensures model efficiency and interpretability, enhancing generalizability to new data. This paper broadens the conventional scope by incorporating nodes or entities for further investigation, highlighting interdisciplinary strategies that bridge empirical and data-driven approaches.

Key Feature Selection Methods on Knowledge Graphs

Causal Discovery-Search Algorithm

Causal discovery is fundamental in moving beyond correlation to understanding causation. Methods like the ADKG in Malec et al. employ Dijkstra's algorithm for path discovery, revealing the relationships that contribute to complex associations, such as potential confounders, colliders, and mediators. This provides rich insights into intricate relationships that may otherwise remain obscure.

Feature Selection-Dimensionality Reduction

Dimensionality reduction techniques are essential when dealing with high-dimensional KGs. Methods like those used in COPD diagnosis \citep{fang2019diagnosis}, Android malware detection \citep{ma2020knowledge}, and the BRFSS health survey \citep{jaworsky2023interrelated} employ algorithms that integrate with the KG structure to identify significant features, enhancing training datasets while maintaining computational efficiency.

Data Linking and Data Integration-Similarity Based Methods

Similarity-based methods enhance datasets by integrating external features. For example, Li et al. \citep{li2020feature} utilized the Own-Think KG to augment features for student anxiety analysis based on home address data. This approach leverages the contextual richness of KGs to introduce non-numerical features that enhance predictive analysis.

Knowledge Graph Embeddings-Vector Embeddings

Embedding techniques such as DistMult and FeaBI represent nodes in continuous vector space, capturing deep semantic relationships. These embeddings are powerful for tasks ranging from drug-target interaction prediction \citep{wang2022kg} to multi-hop recommendation systems like RippleNet \citep{wang2018ripplenet}. Embeddings simplify complex interactions and enhance the overall predictive capabilities of ML models.

Deep Learning-Advanced Network Representation Learning

Advanced network representation learning techniques, exemplified by KGFlex \citep{anelli2021sparse} and DDKG \citep{su2022attention}, employ deep learning frameworks to handle complex, heterogeneous data. These methods facilitate dynamic feature selection, optimizing recommendations and predicting drug-drug interactions. The adaptive nature of these models and their integration with complex KGs underscore their efficacy in addressing real-world problems.

Challenges and Future Directions

Feature selection within KGs presents unique challenges such as high dimensionality, data heterogeneity, and interpretability. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach:

  1. High Dimensionality and Complexity: Developing scalable algorithms capable of handling extensive KGs is essential to effectively manage high-dimensional spaces.
  2. Data Heterogeneity: Robust methods are needed to integrate diverse data types seamlessly into KGs.
  3. Interpretability: Enhancing interpretability ensures that selected features are meaningful and actionable, especially in critical domains like healthcare.

Promising Research Avenues

Future directions encompass:

  • Causal Inference Techniques: Incorporating causal inference improves the robustness of feature selection.
  • Embedding KGs into Feature Matrices: Creating comprehensive feature matrices facilitates better model performance.
  • Multi-Objective Optimization: Balancing multiple criteria in feature selection leads to more nuanced models.
  • Interdisciplinary Integration: Leveraging quantum computing, reinforcement learning, and federated learning can expand the capabilities of KGs in dealing with data privacy and real-time updates.
  • Real-Time Feature Selection: Developing dynamic methodologies for evolving KGs maintains model agility and relevance.


Exploring feature selection methodologies within KGs underscores the integral balance between algorithmic innovation and practical application. Ensuring scalable, interpretable, and effective feature selection processes addresses computational challenges while leveraging KGs' semantic strength. The integration of automated tools and collaborative frameworks further underscores the transformative potential of KGs in advancing machine learning and data-driven analysis.

Key Points

  • Emphasizes the integration of feature selection techniques with KGs to enhance predictive modeling in biomedical research.
  • Highlights significant applications in bioinformatics, improving disease prediction and drug discovery processes.
  • Discusses computational complexity challenges and proposes future research on efficient algorithms and enriched data sources.

Table of Acronyms

\begin{table}[] \begin{tabular}{l|p{5.5cm}} Abbreviation & Definition \ \hline ACLT & Average Coverage of Long Tail items \ ACO & Ant Colony Optimization \ AD & Alzheimer's Disease \ ADKG & Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Graph \ AI & Artificial Intelligence \ AlzKb & Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Base \ APOE & Apolipoprotein E \ AUC & Area Under the Curve \ Bi-LSTM & Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory \ BPR & Bayesian Personalized Ranking \ COPD & Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease \ CYP2D6 & Cytochrome P450 2D6 \ DDI & drug-drug interaction \ DistMult & The Distributed Multinomial Method \ DL & Deep Learning \ DR & Dimensionality/Dimension Reduction \ DSA-SVM & Direct Search Simulated Annealing with Support Vector Machine \ DTP & Drug-target Pairs \ GDB & Graph Database \ GNN & Graph Neural Network \ HMOX1 & Heme Oxygenase 1 \ KEGG & Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes \ KG & Knowledge Graph \ LDA & Linear Discriminant Analysis \ LLE & Local Linear Embedding \ ML & Machine Learning \ MLP & Multiple Layer Perceptron \ MQL & Metaweb Query Language \ MTHFR & Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase \ RDF & Resource Description Framework \ RFE & Recursive Feature Elimination \ nDCG &Normalized Discount Cumulative Gain \ NLP & Natural Language Processing \ NOS3 & Nitric Oxide Synthase 3 \ OWL & The Web Ontology Language \ PCA & Principal Component Analysis \ PPARG & Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma \ RDF & Resource Description Framework \ RFE & Recursive Feature Elimination \ RO & Relation Ontology \ TPI1 & Triosephosphate Isomerase 1 \ URIs & Uniform Resource Identifiers \ UMLS & Unified Medical Language System \ W3C & World Wide Web Consortium \ YAGO & Yet Another Great Ontology \ \end{tabular} \caption{Table of Acronyms} \label{tab:acronym} \end{table}


This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) [U01 AG066833].


[References list as per the original paper]

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