Emergent Mind

Resilience of the Electric Grid through Trustable IoT-Coordinated Assets

Published Jun 21, 2024 in eess.SY , cs.ET , and cs.SY


The electricity grid has evolved from a physical system to a cyber-physical system with digital devices that perform measurement, control, communication, computation, and actuation. The increased penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) that include renewable generation, flexible loads, and storage provides extraordinary opportunities for improvements in efficiency and sustainability. However, they can introduce new vulnerabilities in the form of cyberattacks, which can cause significant challenges in ensuring grid resilience. %, i.e. the ability to rapidly restore grid services in the face of severe disruptions. We propose a framework in this paper for achieving grid resilience through suitably coordinated assets including a network of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. A local electricity market is proposed to identify trustable assets and carry out this coordination. Situational Awareness (SA) of locally available DERs with the ability to inject power or reduce consumption is enabled by the market, together with a monitoring procedure for their trustability and commitment. With this SA, we show that a variety of cyberattacks can be mitigated using local trustable resources without stressing the bulk grid. The demonstrations are carried out using a variety of platforms with a high-fidelity co-simulation platform, real-time hardware-in-the-loop validation, and a utility-friendly simulator.

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