Emergent Mind


LLMs and vision-language models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide range of tasks and domains. Despite this promise, spatial understanding and reasoning -- a fundamental component of human cognition -- remains under-explored. We develop novel benchmarks that cover diverse aspects of spatial reasoning such as relationship understanding, navigation, and counting. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of competitive language and vision-language models. Our findings reveal several counter-intuitive insights that have been overlooked in the literature: (1) Spatial reasoning poses significant challenges where competitive models can fall behind random guessing; (2) Despite additional visual input, VLMs often under-perform compared to their LLM counterparts; (3) When both textual and visual information is available, multi-modal language models become less reliant on visual information if sufficient textual clues are provided. Additionally, we demonstrate that leveraging redundancy between vision and text can significantly enhance model performance. We hope our study will inform the development of multimodal models to improve spatial intelligence and further close the gap with human intelligence.

Accuracy of vision-language models on spatial reasoning tasks, with comparison to random guessing.


  • The paper investigates the spatial reasoning abilities of LLMs and vision-language models (VLMs), identifying significant limitations in their current capabilities.

  • New VQA-style benchmarks—Spatial-Map, Maze-Nav, and Spatial-Grid—are introduced to evaluate these models' performance across various spatial reasoning tasks.

  • Key findings reveal that VLMs struggle with spatial reasoning tasks and tend to rely more on textual information even when visual inputs are present, suggesting the need for improved model architectures and training pipelines.

Delving Into Spatial Reasoning for Vision-Language Models

The paper "Is A Picture Worth A Thousand Words? Delving Into Spatial Reasoning for Vision Language Models" by Jiayu Wang et al. meticulously examines the spatial reasoning capabilities of current LLMs and vision-language models (VLMs). The research highlights the limitations of these models in understanding and reasoning about spatial relationships, providing novel benchmarks that scrutinize various aspects of spatial intelligence.


The paper starts by setting the context with the transformative impact that foundation models, particularly LLMs and VLMs, have had on numerous domains. Despite impressive advancements, the authors point out that spatial reasoning remains a challenging frontier. Visual understanding, which is inherently spatial, is under-explored in existing multimodal models. Spatial reasoning spans skills such as navigation, map reading, counting, and understanding spatial relationships—all crucial for real-world applications.

Novel Benchmarks

To address the gap in spatial reasoning research, the authors introduce three novel VQA-style benchmarks:

  1. Spatial-Map: This benchmark involves understanding the spatial relationships among objects on a map. Tasks include relationship questions (e.g., relative positions) and counting based on visual and textual inputs.
  2. Maze-Nav: This benchmark tests the model's ability to navigate mazes. It requires models to interpret starting positions, exits, and navigable paths, along with textual descriptions that map coordinates and objects.
  3. Spatial-Grid: Here, the dataset comprises grid-like environments where objects are placed in structured ways. Models are tested on counting specific objects and identifying objects at given coordinates.

Each benchmark is designed with three forms of inputs: text-only, vision-only, and combined vision-text, enabling a comprehensive analysis of how different modalities affect the reasoning performance.

Key Findings

The findings present several notable insights into the performance of current models:

  1. Challenges in Spatial Reasoning: The authors report that many competitive VLMs struggle significantly with spatial reasoning tasks. In some cases, their performance drops to the level of random guessing.
  2. Modality Impact: VLMs do not consistently outperform their LLM counterparts when visual inputs are the sole source of information. When combined visual and textual information is available, the models tend to rely more on textual clues, indicating limited utility derived from the vision component.
  3. Redundancy Benefits: Leveraging redundancy between vision and text can significantly enhance VLM performance. Tasks designed to be solvable via either modality show improved outcomes when both sources are available.


The implications of these findings are profound, both practically and theoretically. Practically, the limitations exposed by the study suggest that current VLM architectures and training pipelines have inherent deficiencies in processing visual information for spatial reasoning tasks. To bridge this gap, future research should explore novel architectures that integrate visual and textual information more effectively, treating both as first-class citizens.

Theoretically, the insights challenge prevailing assumptions about VLMs' capabilities in handling multimodal inputs. The stark contrast between human spatial reasoning—which heavily relies on visual cues—and the models' reliance on textual information necessitates a rethinking of how these models are designed and trained.

Future Developments

The study opens several avenues for future research:

  1. Architectural Innovations: Developing models that reason jointly in the vision and language space, rather than translating vision input into a language format, could provide more robust spatial understanding.
  2. Enhancing Training Pipelines: Incorporating richer, more diverse spatial reasoning tasks into training regimes may help models develop a deeper understanding of spatial cues.
  3. Benchmarks Expansion: Extending benchmarks to include more complex real-world scenarios and datasets can further push the boundaries of VLM capabilities.


The paper by Jiayu Wang et al. provides a rigorous examination of spatial reasoning in vision-language models, uncovering their current limitations and paving the way for future improvements. By creating innovative benchmarks and highlighting critical areas for enhancement, this research significantly contributes to the ongoing development of multimodal AI, bringing us closer to achieving human-like spatial intelligence in artificial systems.


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