Emergent Mind

Efficient Continual Pre-training by Mitigating the Stability Gap

Published Jun 21, 2024 in cs.CL


Continual pre-training has increasingly become the predominant approach for adapting LLMs to new domains. This process involves updating the pre-trained LLM with a corpus from a new domain, resulting in a shift in the training distribution. To study the behavior of LLMs during this shift, we measured the model's performance throughout the continual pre-training process. we observed a temporary performance drop at the beginning, followed by a recovery phase, a phenomenon known as the "stability gap," previously noted in vision models classifying new classes. To address this issue and enhance LLM performance within a fixed compute budget, we propose three effective strategies: (1) Continually pre-training the LLM on a subset with a proper size for multiple epochs, resulting in faster performance recovery than pre-training the LLM on a large corpus in a single epoch; (2) Pre-training the LLM only on high-quality sub-corpus, which rapidly boosts domain performance; and (3) Using a data mixture similar to the pre-training data to reduce distribution gap. We conduct various experiments on Llama-family models to validate the effectiveness of our strategies in both medical continual pre-training and instruction tuning. For example, our strategies improve the average medical task performance of the OpenLlama-3B model from 36.2% to 40.7% with only 40% of the original training budget and enhance the average general task performance without causing forgetting. Furthermore, we apply our strategies to the Llama-3-8B model. The resulting model, Llama-3-Physician, achieves the best medical performance among current open-source models, and performs comparably to or even better than GPT-4 on several medical benchmarks. We release our models at \url{https://huggingface.co/YiDuo1999/Llama-3-Physician-8B-Instruct}.

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