Emergent Mind

Complex fractal trainability boundary can arise from trivial non-convexity

Published Jun 20, 2024 in cs.LG , math.DS , and nlin.CD


Training neural networks involves optimizing parameters to minimize a loss function, where the nature of the loss function and the optimization strategy are crucial for effective training. Hyperparameter choices, such as the learning rate in gradient descent (GD), significantly affect the success and speed of convergence. Recent studies indicate that the boundary between bounded and divergent hyperparameters can be fractal, complicating reliable hyperparameter selection. However, the nature of this fractal boundary and methods to avoid it remain unclear. In this study, we focus on GD to investigate the loss landscape properties that might lead to fractal trainability boundaries. We discovered that fractal boundaries can emerge from simple non-convex perturbations, i.e., adding or multiplying cosine type perturbations to quadratic functions. The observed fractal dimensions are influenced by factors like parameter dimension, type of non-convexity, perturbation wavelength, and perturbation amplitude. Our analysis identifies "roughness of perturbation", which measures the gradient's sensitivity to parameter changes, as the factor controlling fractal dimensions of trainability boundaries. We observed a clear transition from non-fractal to fractal trainability boundaries as roughness increases, with the critical roughness causing the perturbed loss function non-convex. Thus, we conclude that fractal trainability boundaries can arise from very simple non-convexity. We anticipate that our findings will enhance the understanding of complex behaviors during neural network training, leading to more consistent and predictable training strategies.

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