Emergent Mind


In the sixth generation (6G), ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC) will further develop to achieve TKu extreme connectivity, and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is expected to be a key enabler for its realization. Since the latency constraint can be represented by the blocklength of a codeword, it is essential to analyze different coded MIMO schemes under finite blocklength regime. In this paper, we analyze the statistical characteristics of information density of time-domain coding and spatiotemporal coding MIMO, compute the channel capacity and dispersion, and present new explicit performance bounds of finite blocklength coded MIMO for different coding modes via normal approximation. As revealed by the analysis and simulation, spatiotemporal coding can effectively mitigate the performance loss induced by short blocklength by increasing the spatial degree of freedom (DoF). However, for time-domain coding, each spatial link is encoded independently, and the performance loss will be more severe with short blocklength under any spatial DoF. These results indicate that spatiotemporal coding can optimally exploit the spatial dimension advantages of MIMO systems compared with time-domain coding, and it has the potential to support URLLC transmission, enabling very low error-rate communication under stringent blocklength constraint.

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