Emergent Mind


Reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as a promising paradigm in complex and continuous robotic tasks, however, safe exploration has been one of the main challenges, especially in contact-rich manipulation tasks in unstructured environments. Focusing on this issue, we propose SRL-VIC: a model-free safe RL framework combined with a variable impedance controller (VIC). Specifically, safety critic and recovery policy networks are pre-trained where safety critic evaluates the safety of the next action using a risk value before it is executed and the recovery policy suggests a corrective action if the risk value is high. Furthermore, the policies are updated online where the task policy not only achieves the task but also modulates the stiffness parameters to keep a safe and compliant profile. A set of experiments in contact-rich maze tasks demonstrate that our framework outperforms the baselines (without the recovery mechanism and without the VIC), yielding a good trade-off between efficient task accomplishment and safety guarantee. We show our policy trained on simulation can be deployed on a physical robot without fine-tuning, achieving successful task completion with robustness and generalization. The video is available at https://youtu.be/ksWXR3vByoQ.

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