Emergent Mind


In a very recent breakthrough, Behnezhad and Ghafari [arXiv'24] developed a novel fully dynamic randomized algorithm for maintaining a $(1-\epsilon)$-approximation of maximum matching with amortized update time potentially much better than the trivial $O(n)$ update time. The runtime of the BG algorithm is parameterized via the following graph theoretical concept: * For any $n$, define $ORS(n)$ -- standing for Ordered RS Graph -- to be the largest number of edge-disjoint matchings $M1,\ldots,Mt$ of size $\Theta(n)$ in an $n$-vertex graph such that for every $i \in [t]$, $Mi$ is an induced matching in the subgraph $M{i} \cup M{i+1} \cup \ldots \cup Mt$. Then, for any fixed $\epsilon > 0$, the BG algorithm runs in [ O\left( \sqrt{n{1+O(\epsilon)} \cdot ORS(n)} \right) ] amortized update time with high probability, even against an adaptive adversary. $ORS(n)$ is a close variant of a more well-known quantity regarding RS graphs (which require every matching to be induced regardless of the ordering). It is currently only known that $n{o(1)} \leqslant ORS(n) \leqslant n{1-o(1)}$, and closing this gap appears to be a notoriously challenging problem. In this work, we further strengthen the result of Behnezhad and Ghafari and push it to limit to obtain a randomized algorithm with amortized update time of [ n{o(1)} \cdot ORS(n) ] with high probability, even against an adaptive adversary. In the limit, i.e., if current lower bounds for $ORS(n) = n{o(1)}$ are almost optimal, our algorithm achieves an $n{o(1)}$ update time for $(1-\epsilon)$-approximation of maximum matching, almost fully resolving this fundamental question. In its current stage also, this fully reduces the algorithmic problem of designing dynamic matching algorithms to a purely combinatorial problem of upper bounding $ORS(n)$ with no algorithmic considerations.

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