Emergent Mind

Enhancing Automated Audio Captioning via Large Language Models with Optimized Audio Encoding

Published Jun 19, 2024 in cs.SD , cs.CL , and eess.AS


Automated audio captioning (AAC) is an audio-to-text task to describe audio contents in natural language. Recently, the advancements in LLMs, with improvements in training approaches for audio encoders, have opened up possibilities for improving AAC. Thus, we explore enhancing AAC from three aspects: 1) a pre-trained audio encoder via consistent ensemble distillation (CED) is used to improve the effectivity of acoustic tokens, with a querying transformer (Q-Former) bridging the modality gap to LLM and compress acoustic tokens; 2) we investigate the advantages of using a Llama 2 with 7B parameters as the decoder; 3) another pre-trained LLM corrects text errors caused by insufficient training data and annotation ambiguities. Both the audio encoder and text decoder are optimized by low-rank adaptation (LoRA). Experiments show that each of these enhancements is effective. Our method obtains a 33.0 SPIDEr-FL score, outperforming the winner of DCASE 2023 Task 6A.

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