Emergent Mind

Block-level Text Spotting with LLMs

Published Jun 19, 2024 in cs.CV


Text spotting has seen tremendous progress in recent years yielding performant techniques which can extract text at the character, word or line level. However, extracting blocks of text from images (block-level text spotting) is relatively unexplored. Blocks contain more context than individual lines, words or characters and so block-level text spotting would enhance downstream applications, such as translation, which benefit from added context. We propose a novel method, BTS-LLM (Block-level Text Spotting with LLMs), to identify text at the block level. BTS-LLM has three parts: 1) detecting and recognizing text at the line level, 2) grouping lines into blocks and 3) finding the best order of lines within a block using a LLM. We aim to exploit the strong semantic knowledge in LLMs for accurate block-level text spotting. Consequently if the text spotted is semantically meaningful but has been corrupted during text recognition, the LLM is also able to rectify mistakes in the text and produce a reconstruction of it.

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