Emergent Mind

Adversarial Multi-dueling Bandits

Published Jun 18, 2024 in cs.LG


We introduce the problem of regret minimization in adversarial multi-dueling bandits. While adversarial preferences have been studied in dueling bandits, they have not been explored in multi-dueling bandits. In this setting, the learner is required to select $m \geq 2$ arms at each round and observes as feedback the identity of the most preferred arm which is based on an arbitrary preference matrix chosen obliviously. We introduce a novel algorithm, MiDEX (Multi Dueling EXP3), to learn from such preference feedback that is assumed to be generated from a pairwise-subset choice model. We prove that the expected cumulative $T$-round regret of MiDEX compared to a Borda-winner from a set of $K$ arms is upper bounded by $O((K \log K){1/3} T{2/3})$. Moreover, we prove a lower bound of $\Omega(K{1/3} T{2/3})$ for the expected regret in this setting which demonstrates that our proposed algorithm is near-optimal.

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