Emergent Mind

Efficient particle-conserving brick-wall quantum circuits

Published Jun 17, 2024 in quant-ph and cs.ET


In variational quantum optimization with particle-conserving quantum circuits, it is often difficult to decide a priori which particle-conserving gates and circuit ansatzes would be most efficient for a given problem. This is important especially for noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors with limited resources. While this may be challenging to answer in general, deciding which particle-conserving gate would be most efficient is easier within a specified circuit ansatz. In this paper, we show how to construct efficient particle-conserving gates using some practical ideas from symmetric tensor networks. We derive different types of particle-conserving gates, including the generalized one. We numerically test the gates under the framework of brick-wall circuits. We show that the general particle-conserving gate with only four real parameters is generally best. In addition, we present an algorithm to extend brick-wall circuit with two-qubit nearest-neighbouring gates to non-nearest-neighbouring gates. We test and compare the efficiency of the circuits with Heisenberg spin chain with and without next-nearest-neighbouring interactions.

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