Emergent Mind

Cancellable Memory Requests: A transparent, lightweight Spectre mitigation

Published Jun 17, 2024 in cs.CR and cs.AR


Speculation is fundamental to achieving high CPU performance, yet it enables vulnerabilities such as Spectre attacks, which remain a significant challenge to mitigate without incurring substantial performance overheads. These attacks typically unfold in three steps: they speculatively access sensitive data (access), alter the cache state (transmit), and then utilize a cache timing attack (e.g., Flush+Reload) to extract the secret (receive). Most Spectre attacks exploit a cache timing side channel during the transmit and receive steps. Our key observation is that Spectre attacks do not require the transmit instruction to complete before mis-prediction is detected and mis-speculated instructions are squashed. Instead, it suffices for the instruction to execute and dispatch a request to the memory hierarchy. Responses from memory that arrive after squashing occurs still alter the cache state, including those related to mis-speculated memory accesses. We therefore propose a novel mitigation technique, Cancellable Memory Requests (CMR), that cancels mis-speculated memory requests. Immediately upon squashing, a cancellation is sent to the cache hierarchy, propagating downstream and preventing any changes to caches that have not yet received a response. This reduces the likelihood of cache state changes, thereby reducing the likelihood of Spectre attacks succeeding. We implement CMR on gem5 and show that it thwarts practical Spectre attacks, and has near-zero performance overheads. We show that CMR can completely thwart Spectre attacks in four real-world processors with realistic system configurations.

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