Emergent Mind

Optimizing Instructions and Demonstrations for Multi-Stage Language Model Programs

Published Jun 17, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Language Model Programs, i.e. sophisticated pipelines of modular language model (LM) calls, are increasingly advancing NLP tasks, but they require crafting prompts that are jointly effective for all modules. We study prompt optimization for LM programs, i.e. how to update these prompts to maximize a downstream metric without access to module-level labels or gradients. To make this tractable, we factorize our problem into optimizing the free-form instructions and few-shot demonstrations of every module and introduce several strategies to craft task-grounded instructions and navigate credit assignment across modules. Our strategies include (i) program- and data-aware techniques for proposing effective instructions, (ii) a stochastic mini-batch evaluation function for learning a surrogate model of our objective, and (iii) a meta-optimization procedure in which we refine how LMs construct proposals over time. Using these insights we develop MIPRO, a novel optimizer that outperforms baselines on five of six diverse LM programs using a best-in-class open-source model (Llama-3-8B), by as high as 12.9% accuracy. We will release our new optimizers and benchmark in DSPy at https://github.com/stanfordnlp/dspy

An optimization problem over an LM program, proposing new instructions and bootstrapped demonstrations for each stage.


  • The paper explores optimization techniques for multi-stage Language Model (LM) programs, focusing on improving prompts to enhance performance metrics without relying on module-level labels or gradients.

  • The proposed optimization framework, MIPRO, uses program- and data-aware techniques, stochastic mini-batch evaluations, and meta-optimization to refine instructions and few-shot demonstrations for better task performance.

  • Experimental validation across various tasks demonstrates the importance of few-shot demonstrations, joint optimization, and grounded instruction proposals in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of NLP systems.

Optimizing Instructions and Demonstrations for Multi-Stage Language Model Programs

This paper presents a detailed exploration into the optimization of Language Model (LM) programs, particularly focusing on the enhancement of prompts to maximize performance metrics in a multi-stage pipeline setting. The authors investigate prompt optimization for LM programs, a complex task necessitating updates to prompts without module-level labels or gradients. They introduce several methods to effectively craft task-grounded instructions and manage credit assignment across multiple modules.

Background and Motivation

Language Model Programs (LM programs) integrate multiple LM calls into sophisticated pipelines to tackle complex NLP tasks. However, the design of such programs is often hindered by the necessity of manual prompt engineering, which entails laboriously crafting specific prompts via trial and error. Although existing prompt optimization techniques like APE, OPRO, and EvoPrompt offer significant improvements, they fall short in multi-stage LM programs due to the lack of intermediate evaluation metrics.

Problem Statement and Approach

The authors formalize the problem of prompt optimization as a constrained search where the goal is to find optimal assignments for free-form instructions and few-shot demonstrations across all modules in an LM program. They propose MIPRO (Multi-prompt Instruction Proposal Optimizer), which leverages:

  1. Program- and data-aware techniques: These techniques involve grounding prompt proposals in the specifics of the dataset and the LM program.
  2. Stochastic mini-batch evaluations: This method efficiently approximates the objective function by sampling and learning from subsets of the data.
  3. Meta-optimization: Here, a model refines its proposal strategy over time via recursive optimization.

Optimization Strategies

The paper divides the optimization problem into two sub-problems: proposal generation and credit assignment, and addresses them through a spectrum of strategies:

Proposal Generation:

  • Bootstrapping Demonstrations: This involves leveraging successful task demonstrations obtained via rejection sampling to create few-shot examples.
  • Grounding: Proposing instructions based on a comprehensive understanding of the task dynamics and summarizing both dataset characteristics and program control flow.
  • Learning to Propose: Adapting proposer hyperparameters dynamically using a Bayesian model to improve the quality of generated instructions over time.

Credit Assignment:

  • Surrogate Models: Utilizing a Bayesian surrogate model to estimate the contribution of specific variables to overall performance, thereby aiding in efficient credit assignment.
  • Greedy and History-Based Methods: While initially considered, the exploration revealed inefficiencies in these models compared to more systematic approaches like the surrogate model.

Experimental Validation

The authors rigorously validate their methodologies using six diverse tasks: HotPotQA, HotPotQA Conditional, Iris, Heart Disease, ScoNe, and HoVer. They provide comprehensive task descriptions and experimental setups, highlighting various optimization scenarios including instruction-only, few-shot demonstration-only, and joint optimization.

Key Findings

  1. Importance of Few-shot Demonstrations: Optimizing bootstrap demonstrations is typically crucial for improving LM program performance. Acceptable demonstrations can often mitigate the need for highly specialized instructions.
  2. Value of Joint Optimization: Combining the optimization of instructions and demonstrations consistently yields superior results, as demonstrated by the performance of MIPRO.
  3. Context-Specific Benefits of Instruction Optimization: For tasks with complex conditional rules, like HotPotQA Conditional, the optimization of instructions is indispensable and provides significant performance gains.
  4. Utility of Grounding Techniques: Grounded instruction proposals enhance performance, although their efficacy varies with the task.

Implications and Future Directions

The findings underscore the importance of sophisticated strategies for prompt optimization in multi-stage LM programs. Practical implications include improved efficiency and effectiveness in designing NLP systems. Theoretical implications touch on a deeper understanding of how LMs interpret and operationalize complex tasks through modular instructions and contextual examples.

Future research avenues could explore:

  • Enhanced mechanisms for automated credit assignment in complex multi-stage environments.
  • The integration of more advanced meta-learning techniques to dynamically adapt prompts in real-world deployments.
  • Exploration of different optimization budgets to ascertain differentiated performance dynamics across varying resource constraints.


This comprehensive investigation into the optimization of LM programs paves the way for more efficient and effective NLP systems. MIPRO and its associated strategies represent significant advancements in how sophisticated multi-stage language model pipelines can be designed and optimized, providing a robust foundation for future developments in AI and NLP.


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