Emergent Mind

An Imitative Reinforcement Learning Framework for Autonomous Dogfight

Published Jun 17, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.RO


Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) dogfight, which refers to a fight between two or more UCAVs usually at close quarters, plays a decisive role on the aerial battlefields. With the evolution of artificial intelligence, dogfight progressively transits towards intelligent and autonomous modes. However, the development of autonomous dogfight policy learning is hindered by challenges such as weak exploration capabilities, low learning efficiency, and unrealistic simulated environments. To overcome these challenges, this paper proposes a novel imitative reinforcement learning framework, which efficiently leverages expert data while enabling autonomous exploration. The proposed framework not only enhances learning efficiency through expert imitation, but also ensures adaptability to dynamic environments via autonomous exploration with reinforcement learning. Therefore, the proposed framework can learn a successful dogfight policy of 'pursuit-lock-launch' for UCAVs. To support data-driven learning, we establish a dogfight environment based on the Harfang3D sandbox, where we conduct extensive experiments. The results indicate that the proposed framework excels in multistage dogfight, significantly outperforms state-of-the-art reinforcement learning and imitation learning methods. Thanks to the ability of imitating experts and autonomous exploration, our framework can quickly learn the critical knowledge in complex aerial combat tasks, achieving up to a 100% success rate and demonstrating excellent robustness.

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