Emergent Mind


Producing an artificial general intelligence (AGI) has been an elusive goal in AI research for some time. An AGI would have the capability, like a human, to be exposed to a new problem domain, learn about it and then use reasoning processes to make decisions. While AI techniques have been used across a wide variety of problem domains, an AGI would require an AI that could reason beyond its programming and training. This paper presents a small step towards producing an AGI. It describes a mechanism for an AI to learn about and develop reasoning pathways to make decisions in an a priori unknown domain. It combines a classical AI technique, the expert system, with a its modern adaptation - the gradient descent trained expert system (GDTES) - and utilizes generative artificial intelligence (GAI) to create a network and training data set for this system. These can be created from available sources or may draw upon knowledge incorporated in a GAI's own pre-trained model. The learning process in GDTES is used to optimize the AI's decision-making. While this approach does not meet the standards that many have defined for an AGI, it provides a somewhat similar capability, albeit one which requires a learning process before use.

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