Emergent Mind


Building an embodied agent system with a LLM as its core is a promising direction. Due to the significant costs and uncontrollable factors associated with deploying and training such agents in the real world, we have decided to begin our exploration within the Minecraft environment. Our STEVE Series agents can complete basic tasks in a virtual environment and more challenging tasks such as navigation and even creative tasks, with an efficiency far exceeding previous state-of-the-art methods by a factor of $2.5\times$ to $7.3\times$. We begin our exploration with a vanilla large language model, augmenting it with a vision encoder and an action codebase trained on our collected high-quality dataset STEVE-21K. Subsequently, we enhanced it with a Critic and memory to transform it into a complex system. Finally, we constructed a hierarchical multi-agent system. Our recent work explored how to prune the agent system through knowledge distillation. In the future, we will explore more potential applications of STEVE agents in the real world.

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