Emergent Mind

Quest: Query-Aware Sparsity for Efficient Long-Context LLM Inference

Published Jun 16, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.LG


As the demand for long-context LLMs increases, models with context windows of up to 128K or 1M tokens are becoming increasingly prevalent. However, long-context LLM inference is challenging since the inference speed decreases significantly as the sequence length grows. This slowdown is primarily caused by loading a large KV cache during self-attention. Previous works have shown that a small portion of critical tokens will dominate the attention outcomes. However, we observe the criticality of a token highly depends on the query. To this end, we propose Quest, a query-aware KV cache selection algorithm. Quest keeps track of the minimal and maximal Key values in KV cache pages and estimates the criticality of a given page using Query vectors. By only loading the Top-K critical KV cache pages for attention, Quest significantly speeds up self-attention without sacrificing accuracy. We show that Quest can achieve up to 2.23x self-attention speedup, which reduces inference latency by 7.03x while performing well on tasks with long dependencies with negligible accuracy loss. Code is available at http://github.com/mit-han-lab/Quest .

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