Emergent Mind


Recent studies have revealed that using social robots can accelerate the learning process of several skills in areas where autistic children typically show deficits. However, most early research studies conducted interactions via free play. More recent research has demonstrated that robot-mediated autism therapies focusing on core impairments of autism spectrum disorder (e.g., joint attention) yield better results than unstructured interactions. This paper aims to systematically review the most relevant findings concerning the application of social robotics to joint attention tasks, a cardinal feature of autism spectrum disorder that significantly influences the neurodevelopmental trajectory of autistic children. Initially, we define autism spectrum disorder and explore its societal implications. Following this, we examine the need for technological aid and the potentialities of robot-assisted autism therapy. We then define joint attention and highlight its crucial role in children's social and cognitive development. Subsequently, we analyze the importance of structured interactions and the role of selecting the optimal robot for specific tasks. This is followed by a comparative analysis of the works reviewed earlier, presenting an in-depth examination of two distinct formal models employed to design the prompts and reward system that enables the robot to adapt to children's responses. These models are critically compared to highlight their strengths and limitations. Next, we introduce a novel algorithm to address the identified limitations, integrating interactive environmental factors and a more sophisticated prompting and reward system. Finally, we propose further research directions, discuss the most relevant open questions, and draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of social robotics in the medical treatment of autism spectrum disorders.

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