Emergent Mind

Training-free Camera Control for Video Generation

Published Jun 14, 2024 in cs.CV


We propose a training-free and robust solution to offer camera movement control for off-the-shelf video diffusion models. Unlike previous work, our method does not require any supervised finetuning on camera-annotated datasets or self-supervised training via data augmentation. Instead, it can be plugged and played with most pretrained video diffusion models and generate camera controllable videos with a single image or text prompt as input. The inspiration of our work comes from the layout prior that intermediate latents hold towards generated results, thus rearranging noisy pixels in them will make output content reallocated as well. As camera move could also be seen as a kind of pixel rearrangement caused by perspective change, videos could be reorganized following specific camera motion if their noisy latents change accordingly. Established on this, we propose our method CamTrol, which enables robust camera control for video diffusion models. It is achieved by a two-stage process. First, we model image layout rearrangement through explicit camera movement in 3D point cloud space. Second, we generate videos with camera motion using layout prior of noisy latents formed by a series of rearranged images. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the robustness our method holds in controlling camera motion of generated videos. Furthermore, we show that our method can produce impressive results in generating 3D rotation videos with dynamic content. Project page at https://lifedecoder.github.io/CamTrol/.

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