Emergent Mind

Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners

Published Jun 13, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.LG


Transformers have revolutionized machine learning with their simple yet effective architecture. Pre-training Transformers on massive text datasets from the Internet has led to unmatched generalization for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. However, such language models remain fragile when tasked with algorithmic forms of reasoning, where computations must be precise and robust. To address this limitation, we propose a novel approach that combines the Transformer's language understanding with the robustness of graph neural network (GNN)-based neural algorithmic reasoners (NARs). Such NARs proved effective as generic solvers for algorithmic tasks, when specified in graph form. To make their embeddings accessible to a Transformer, we propose a hybrid architecture with a two-phase training procedure, allowing the tokens in the language model to cross-attend to the node embeddings from the NAR. We evaluate our resulting TransNAR model on CLRS-Text, the text-based version of the CLRS-30 benchmark, and demonstrate significant gains over Transformer-only models for algorithmic reasoning, both in and out of distribution.

TransNAR architecture improves out-of-distribution reasoning in various algorithmic tasks within CLRS-Text.


  • The paper introduces a hybrid architecture named TransNAR that integrates graph neural network-based neural algorithmic reasoners with Transformer models to enhance their algorithmic reasoning capabilities.

  • Experimental results on the CLRS-Text benchmark demonstrate significant improvements in both in-distribution and out-of-distribution generalization tasks, particularly in handling complex algorithmic reasoning.

  • Future research directions include extending the methodology to other datasets, refining cross-attention mechanisms, and investigating techniques to distill NAR capabilities directly into Transformers.

Transformers Meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners: An Overview


The paper "Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners" by Wilfried Bounsi et al. focuses on enhancing the capabilities of Transformer architectures to perform robust algorithmic reasoning tasks. While Transformers have excelled in natural language understanding (NLU) tasks, they exhibit brittleness in handling algorithmic tasks that require precise computation, especially out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization. To overcome this limitation, the researchers propose a hybrid architecture named TransNAR, which integrates pre-trained graph neural network (GNN)-based neural algorithmic reasoners (NARs) with Transformers.

Hybrid Architecture: TransNAR

The proposed model, TransNAR, consists of a two-phase training procedure. The Transformer is augmented with NARs, wherein the tokens in the language model can cross-attend to the node embeddings from the pre-trained NAR. This synergistic approach leverages the robust reasoning capabilities of NARs to bolster the otherwise fragile algorithmic reasoning in Transformers. Specifically, the inclusion of cross-attention layers allows the Transformer to effectively integrate the structured information from the GNNs into its token embeddings.

Evaluation and Results

TransNAR was evaluated on the CLRS-Text benchmark, a dataset derived from the CLRS-30 benchmark, but specified in textual form. The experimental results indicate significant improvements over Transformer-only models, particularly in OOD scenarios.

Key findings include:

  • In-Distribution Generalization: Both TransNAR and the baseline Transformer performed well on in-distribution tasks, yet TransNAR provided marginally better performance on maintaining the correct output shapes and reducing parsing errors.
  • Out-of-Distribution Generalization: TransNAR exhibited substantial gains, especially in the interpolation (size 10) and extrapolation (size 14) regimes, where it often outperformed the baseline Transformer by a large margin (up to 20% absolute gains as depicted in Figure 1).

Detailed Contributions

  1. Hybrid Architecture: TransNAR's architecture combines the generalization strength of Transformers with the rigorous reasoning abilities of NARs. This combination helps mitigate the brittleness seen in Transformers on algorithmic tasks.
  2. Empirical Validation: Through extensive experimentation on CLRS-Text, the paper substantiates the efficacy of this hybrid approach. The detailed metrics include shape scores, parse scores, and the CLRS score, lending a nuanced view of model performance.

Implications and Future Work

The implications of this research are multifaceted:

  • Practical Enhancements: In practical applications, leveraging TransNAR could significantly improve the performance of AI systems on tasks requiring both textual comprehension and algorithmic precision.
  • Theoretical Insights: The integration of NARs with Transformers offers a new perspective on enhancing the latter's capabilities, which could spur further theoretical explorations into hybrid architectures.

Future research could focus on several promising avenues:

  • Broader Datasets: Extending this methodology to datasets with varying degrees of ambiguity in problem specifications.
  • Distillation Techniques: Investigating methods to reduce dependency on dual-input systems by distilling the NAR's capabilities directly into Transformers.
  • Enhanced Cross-Attention: Refining cross-attention mechanisms to better decode and utilize NAR embeddings, particularly for complex indexing tasks.


The paper "Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners" presents a compelling approach to integrating NARs with Transformers, resulting in substantial improvements in handling algorithmic reasoning tasks, particularly OOD scenarios. This hybrid TransNAR architecture not only addresses current limitations in Transformer models but also opens new avenues for future AI research and applications.

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