Emergent Mind


Activation functions are one of the key components of a neural network. The most commonly used activation functions can be classed into the category of continuously differentiable (e.g. tanh) and linear-unit functions (e.g. ReLU), both having their own strengths and drawbacks with respect to downstream performance and representation capacity through learning (e.g. measured by the number of dead neurons and the effective rank). In reinforcement learning, the performance of continuously differentiable activations often falls short as compared to linear-unit functions. From the perspective of the activations in the last hidden layer, this paper provides insights regarding this sub-optimality and explores how activation functions influence the occurrence of dead neurons and the magnitude of the effective rank. Additionally, a novel neural architecture is proposed that leverages the product of independent activation values. In the Atari domain, we show faster learning, a reduction in dead neurons and increased effective rank.

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