Emergent Mind

Language Models are Crossword Solvers

Published Jun 13, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Crosswords are a form of word puzzle that require a solver to demonstrate a high degree of proficiency in natural language understanding, wordplay, reasoning, and world knowledge, along with adherence to character and length constraints. In this paper we tackle the challenge of solving crosswords with LLMs. We demonstrate that the current generation of state-of-the art (SoTA) language models show significant competence at deciphering cryptic crossword clues, and outperform previously reported SoTA results by a factor of 2-3 in relevant benchmarks. We also develop a search algorithm that builds off this performance to tackle the problem of solving full crossword grids with LLMs for the very first time, achieving an accuracy of 93\% on New York Times crossword puzzles. Contrary to previous work in this area which concluded that LLMs lag human expert performance significantly, our research suggests this gap is a lot narrower.

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