Emergent Mind

ICE-G: Image Conditional Editing of 3D Gaussian Splats

Published Jun 12, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Recently many techniques have emerged to create high quality 3D assets and scenes. When it comes to editing of these objects, however, existing approaches are either slow, compromise on quality, or do not provide enough customization. We introduce a novel approach to quickly edit a 3D model from a single reference view. Our technique first segments the edit image, and then matches semantically corresponding regions across chosen segmented dataset views using DINO features. A color or texture change from a particular region of the edit image can then be applied to other views automatically in a semantically sensible manner. These edited views act as an updated dataset to further train and re-style the 3D scene. The end-result is therefore an edited 3D model. Our framework enables a wide variety of editing tasks such as manual local edits, correspondence based style transfer from any example image, and a combination of different styles from multiple example images. We use Gaussian Splats as our primary 3D representation due to their speed and ease of local editing, but our technique works for other methods such as NeRFs as well. We show through multiple examples that our method produces higher quality results while offering fine-grained control of editing. Project page: ice-gaussian.github.io


  • The paper introduces ICE-G, a method for editing 3D models using a single reference view to achieve high-quality and speedy modifications, focusing on color and texture changes.

  • The technique utilizes the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and DINO features for segment matching and employs Gaussian Splats for efficient 3D representation, enhancing flexibility with various editing tasks.

  • Experiments showcase substantial improvements in color consistency and texture quality, positioning ICE-G as a powerful tool for applications in robotics simulation, video game development, and virtual reality.

ICE-G: Image Conditional Editing of 3D Gaussian Splats

The paper “ICE-G: Image Conditional Editing of 3D Gaussian Splats” presents a novel methodology aimed at expediting and refining the editing of 3D models. Traditional approaches have often faced trade-offs between speed, quality, and the degree of customization. This method seeks to mitigate those limitations by providing a fast and high-quality editing framework that operates from a single reference view.

Core Contributions

  1. Segmented Image Matching: The approach employs the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to segment both the edit image and the datasets. These segments are then matched with the corresponding regions across views using DINO features. This ensures semantically consistent transfers of color and texture between different views.

  2. Editing Flexibility: ICE-G supports a variety of editing tasks, including manual local edits, manual style transfer from an example image, and combining styles from multiple images. This flexibility promotes ease of use and broad applicability.

  3. Gaussian Splats Representation: The primary 3D representation used is Gaussian Splats, chosen for their speed and ease of local editing. The approach, however, is also compatible with other methods like NeRFs, showcasing its adaptability.

  4. Semantic Consistency: To ensure high-quality results, the method restricts modifications to color and texture while preserving the shape. This preserves the structural integrity of the 3D model while facilitating detailed appearance changes.


Segmentation and Matching

The initial step involves segmenting the edit image using SAM, producing distinct masked regions. Segments from the edited image are matched with corresponding regions in sampled views from the dataset. The authors propose a custom heuristic based on minimizing distance between mask regions in the DINO feature space. This ensures that the style component is transferred in a semantically meaningful way.

Color and Texture Application

For color changes, the approach converts images to HSV space and modifies the hue and saturation values while preserving the value (grayscale) to maintain texture consistency. For texture updates, the method employs Texture Reformer to fit the new texture onto the segmented regions. Subsequent fine-tuning ensures consistency across the reconstructed 3D model.

The model is trained iteratively, applying color and texture changes using a combination of L1, SSIM, and Nearest Neighbor Feature Matching (NNFM) loss. This ensures that the edited images align well with the target aesthetic while maintaining high visual fidelity.

Experimental Results

ICE-G demonstrates significant qualitative improvements over existing baselines in both color and texture editing. The authors conduct experiments on NeRF Synthetic, MipNeRF-360, and RefNeRF datasets, showcasing the efficacy of their method. Key observations include:

  • Color Consistency: The method achieves seamless color transformation across multiple views while maintaining the original texture details.
  • Texture Quality: By employing a combination of Texture Reformer and NNFM loss, ICE-G successfully applies detailed textures without compromising the overall visual quality.

Implications and Future Directions

ICE-G provides practical implications for the fields of robotics simulation, video game development, and virtual reality. The ability to quickly and accurately modify 3D models helps in creating dynamic and customizable environments crucial for these applications. Theoretical implications include advancements in feature matching and segmentation techniques, which could be explored further for improving 3D model editing.

Future work may delve into extending the capabilities of this method to include shape modifications while maintaining high visual fidelity. Additionally, exploring further optimization of DINO feature matching could potentially enhance the speed and accuracy of the style transfer process.


ICE-G offers a robust method for 3D image conditional editing, achieving quick and high-quality results with significant customization capabilities. The use of Gaussian Splats as the primary 3D representation combined with advanced segmentation and matching techniques ensures detailed and consistent edits across multiple views. This method stands out for its high versatility and potential application across various fields, paving the way for further advancements in 3D model editing.

The contributions of ICE-G are evidenced by its ability to achieve high-quality textures and color transformations with practical computation times, as validated through extensive experimentation and user studies. This work marks a substantial improvement in the domain of 3D model editing and provides a solid foundation for future developments in the field.

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