Emergent Mind

Scaling Value Iteration Networks to 5000 Layers for Extreme Long-Term Planning

Published Jun 12, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


The Value Iteration Network (VIN) is an end-to-end differentiable architecture that performs value iteration on a latent MDP for planning in reinforcement learning (RL). However, VINs struggle to scale to long-term and large-scale planning tasks, such as navigating a $100\times 100$ maze -- a task which typically requires thousands of planning steps to solve. We observe that this deficiency is due to two issues: the representation capacity of the latent MDP and the planning module's depth. We address these by augmenting the latent MDP with a dynamic transition kernel, dramatically improving its representational capacity, and, to mitigate the vanishing gradient problem, introducing an "adaptive highway loss" that constructs skip connections to improve gradient flow. We evaluate our method on both 2D maze navigation environments and the ViZDoom 3D navigation benchmark. We find that our new method, named Dynamic Transition VIN (DT-VIN), easily scales to 5000 layers and casually solves challenging versions of the above tasks. Altogether, we believe that DT-VIN represents a concrete step forward in performing long-term large-scale planning in RL environments.

Results of ablation studies for DT-VIN model with 600 layers.


  • The paper identifies the limitations of traditional Value Iteration Networks (VINs) in long-term and large-scale planning tasks and introduces a novel architecture called Dynamic Transition VIN (DT-VIN) to enhance these capabilities.

  • DT-VIN addresses representational capacity and network depth issues by incorporating a dynamic transition kernel and an adaptive highway loss mechanism, enabling effective planning across extensive time horizons.

  • Experiments on 2D maze and 3D ViZDoom navigation tasks demonstrate that DT-VIN significantly outperforms baseline methods, proving its robust performance in complex and dynamic environments.

Scaling Value Iteration Networks to 5000 Layers for Extreme Long-Term Planning

The paper "Scaling Value Iteration Networks to 5000 Layers for Extreme Long-Term Planning" investigates the deficiencies of Value Iteration Networks (VINs) when applied to long-term and large-scale planning tasks. The study identifies two key issues that limit VIN performance: the representational capacity of the latent Markov Decision Process (MDP) and the depth of the planning module. To address these deficiencies, the authors introduce a novel architecture called Dynamic Transition VIN (DT-VIN), which significantly enhances the capabilities of VINs. This essay provides a detailed summary of the methods and results presented in the paper.


The goal of planning in reinforcement learning (RL) is to find a sequence of actions that achieve a pre-defined objective. Traditional planning algorithms such as Dyna and A*, as well as more modern designs like the Predictron and Dreamer family, have made significant strides in the field. Within this context, the original VINs, introduced by Tamar et al., provided an innovative solution by creating an end-to-end differentiable neural network for planning, performing value iteration on a latent MDP. Despite their success in short-term planning, VINs struggle with large-scale and long-term planning tasks, particularly due to limited representational capacity and shallow network depths.


Increasing Representational Capacity

The VIN architecture applies value iteration computations in a differentiable manner using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, the invariant latent transition kernel, which is independent of the observation, restricts the representational capacity of VINs. To overcome this limitation, DT-VIN introduces a dynamic transition kernel denoted as ( \overline{\mathsf{T}}{\text{dyn}} ), which depends on the observation. The dynamic kernel ( \overline{\mathsf{T}}{\text{dyn}}( \phi(s) ) ) is produced by a transition mapping module and allows the model to adapt to different environments, such as varying maze configurations. This substantially increases the representation capacity of the network by making the latent MDP transitions more flexible and context-aware.

Increasing Network Depth

The depth of the planning module in VINs is another crucial factor affecting performance. Deeper networks allow for longer value iteration sequences, which are necessary for effective long-term planning. However, training deep networks is challenging due to vanishing and exploding gradients. To address this, the authors draw on the concept of skip connections and introduce an adaptive highway loss, which selectively constructs skip connections to the final loss based on actual planning steps. This mitigates the vanishing gradient problem and facilitates the training of networks with up to 5000 layers. Additionally, applying a softmax operation to the latent transition kernel further enhances training stability by preventing gradient explosions.

Experiments and Results

The efficacy of DT-VIN is evaluated through several experiments on 2D maze navigation tasks and 3D ViZDoom navigation tasks. These environments were chosen due to their varying complexity, with tasks requiring hundreds to thousands of planning steps.

2D Maze Navigation

In the 2D maze navigation tasks, DT-VIN outperforms all baseline methods, including VIN, GPPN, and Highway VIN, across multiple maze sizes and shortest path lengths (SPLs). Notably, DT-VIN maintains approximately 100% success rates in small-scale mazes and shows significant improvement in larger-scale mazes, including mazes as large as (100 \times 100). The superior performance is attributed to the increased representational capacity and the ability to handle extremely deep networks.

3D ViZDoom Navigation

DT-VIN is also tested on the 3D ViZDoom environment, where the state representation includes RGB first-person views. The preprocessing network converts these views into a binary maze matrix, which is then fed into the planning network. DT-VIN demonstrates superior performance in this task as well, effectively handling the additional noise introduced by the first-person perspective.

Implications and Future Work

The improvements proposed in DT-VIN significantly enhance long-term and large-scale planning capabilities in VINs. By leveraging a dynamic transition kernel and adaptive highway loss, DT-VIN provides a robust solution for tasks requiring extensive planning horizons. The implications of this research are substantial for real-world applications, including robotics navigation in dynamic environments.

Future research directions include exploring more sophisticated transition mapping modules and applying DT-VIN to more complex and real-world scenarios. Additionally, investigating the scalability of this approach with increasing computational power will be an important avenue of study.


The paper "Scaling Value Iteration Networks to 5000 Layers for Extreme Long-Term Planning" presents a comprehensive solution to the limitations of traditional VINs. By addressing the representational capacity and network depth issues, DT-VIN establishes itself as a formidable architecture for long-term and large-scale planning tasks. The empirical results strongly support the effectiveness of DT-VIN in both 2D and 3D navigation tasks, marking a significant advancement in the realm of reinforcement learning and artificial intelligence.

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