Emergent Mind

FSH: 3D Representation via Fibonacci Spherical Harmonics

Published Jun 12, 2024 in cs.GR


Spherical harmonics are a favorable technique for 3D representation, employing a frequency-based approach through the spherical harmonic transform (SHT). Typically, SHT is performed using equiangular sampling grids. However, these grids are non-uniform on spherical surfaces and exhibit local anisotropy, a common limitation in existing spherical harmonic decomposition methods. This paper proposes a 3D representation method using Fibonacci Spherical Harmonics (FSH). We introduce a spherical Fibonacci grid (SFG), which is more uniform than equiangular grids for SHT in the frequency domain. Our method employs analytical weights for SHT on SFG, effectively assigning sampling errors to spherical harmonic degrees higher than the recovered band-limited function. This provides a novel solution for spherical harmonic transformation on non-equiangular grids. The key advantages of our FSH method include: 1) With the same number of sampling points, SFG captures more features without bias compared to equiangular grids; 2) The root mean square error of 32-degree spherical harmonic coefficients is reduced by approximately 34.6\% for SFG compared to equiangular grids; and 3) FSH offers more stable frequency domain representations, especially for rotating functions. FSH enhances the stability of frequency domain representations under rotational transformations. Its application in 3D shape reconstruction and 3D shape classification results in more accurate and robust representations.

FSH3D pipeline steps: Spherical parameterization, sampling, spherical harmonic transformation, and two application scenarios.


  • The FSH3D method leverages a Spherical Fibonacci Grid (SFG) to achieve a more uniform sampling for 3D representation compared to traditional equiangular grids, enhancing accuracy and stability, especially under rotational transformations.

  • Utilizing analytically derived weights for the Spherical Harmonic Transform (SHT), FSH3D reduces the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of spherical harmonic coefficients by approximately 34.6% compared to equiangular grids, showcasing improved computational accuracy.

  • FSH3D demonstrates superior performance in 3D shape reconstruction and shape classification tasks, maintaining stability and preserving detail across various orientations, indicating its potential for advanced applications in geometry processing and deep learning.

FSH3D: 3D Representation via Fibonacci Spherical Harmonics


The paper introduces a novel approach for three-dimensional (3D) representation using Fibonacci Spherical Harmonics (FSH3D). The method aims to address the inherent limitations of traditional Spherical Harmonic Transform (SHT) methods that rely on equiangular sampling grids, which are non-uniform on spherical surfaces. This lack of uniformity often leads to local anisotropy and suboptimal 3D representation. By leveraging a Spherical Fibonacci Grid (SFG), the FSH3D method promises enhanced accuracy and stability, particularly under rotational transformations.


The authors propose using SFG, which offers a more uniform sampling technique compared to traditional equiangular grids. Analytic weights are computed for the SHT on this uniform grid, effectively mitigating sampling errors by distributing them to spherical harmonic degrees higher than the recovered band-limited function. The paper establishes a mathematical framework where the conditions needed for the sampling function are meticulously derived.

Key Contributions

  1. Uniform Sampling: The paper demonstrates that the uniform SFG captures more features without bias compared to equiangular grids, given the same number of sampling points.
  2. Computational Accuracy: The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 32-degree spherical harmonic coefficients is reduced by approximately 34.6% for SFG in comparison to equiangular grids.
  3. Robust Representations: FSH3D generates more stable frequency domain representations, particularly for rotating functions, enhancing the stability under rotational transformations.

Experimental Validation

Accuracy of Analytic Weights

The investigative study first focuses on the accuracy of the proposed analytic weights. A comparison of spherical harmonic reconstruction on the unit sphere using different weight schemes—analytic, equal, and area weights—reveals that analytic weights exhibit optimal performance. Both equal and area weights introduce noticeable errors and ripples, particularly near the poles, underscoring the need for the analytically derived weights in the FSH3D framework.

Quantitative Analysis of SFG

To further substantiate the reliability of FSH3D, the authors conducted extensive comparisons with equiangular grids, HEALPix grids, and Icosahedral grids, focusing on the error in spherical harmonic coefficients post transformation. The experiment demonstrated that SFG with analytic weights consistently outperformed other grid methods, reducing RMSE by approximately 34.6% compared to equiangular grids.

Reconstruction and Classification Applications

In practical applications, FSH3D showcased superior performance in both 3D shape reconstruction and 3D shape classification tasks. In reconstructing star-shaped sets, FSH3D demonstrated enhanced detail preservation and robustness against rotation. Additionally, FSH3D's stability under rotation was quantitatively confirmed through lower deviations in RMSE, MAE, and volume error (VE) metrics compared to traditional equiangular sampling methods.

For shape classification, FSH3D enhanced the performance of spherical harmonic descriptors, yielding better Precision-Recall curves when compared to equiangular grid-based descriptors. This demonstrates FSH3D's capacity to capture and represent sharp features consistently across various orientations, highlighting its utility in detailed 3D shape classification tasks.

Future Implications

The FSH3D method offers significant practical and theoretical implications. Practically, it provides a more accurate and robust approach for 3D shape representation, facilitating advancements in shape reconstruction, classification, and other geometry processing tasks. Theoretically, it opens pathways for incorporating spherical harmonics into learning frameworks, potentially leading to improved shape reasoning capabilities in deep learning architectures.


FSH3D represents a substantial advancement in 3D representation techniques by addressing the limitations of traditional equiangular sampling. Through the implementation of a uniform SFG and carefully derived analytic weights, it provides more accurate, stable, and rotation-invariant 3D representations. Future research will likely explore integrating spherical harmonics into machine learning models, leveraging FSH3D's strengths to further enhance 3D geometry processing and understanding.

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