Emergent Mind

Simple and Effective Masked Diffusion Language Models

Published Jun 11, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.LG


While diffusion models excel at generating high-quality images, prior work reports a significant performance gap between diffusion and autoregressive (AR) methods in language modeling. In this work, we show that simple masked discrete diffusion is more performant than previously thought. We apply an effective training recipe that improves the performance of masked diffusion models and derive a simplified, Rao-Blackwellized objective that results in additional improvements. Our objective has a simple form -- it is a mixture of classical masked language modeling losses -- and can be used to train encoder-only language models that admit efficient samplers, including ones that can generate arbitrary lengths of text semi-autoregressively like a traditional language model. On language modeling benchmarks, a range of masked diffusion models trained with modern engineering practices achieves a new state-of-the-art among diffusion models, and approaches AR perplexity. We release our code at: https://github.com/kuleshov-group/mdlm


  • The paper evaluates and benchmarks several genomic prediction models, assessing their performance on a variety of genomic tasks such as identifying enhancer regions and differentiation of coding versus intergenomic regions.

  • Models like Mamba, SUBS, SEDD, Caducues, Plaid, and D3PM were tested across benchmarks including Mouse Enhancers, Human Enhancers Cohn, and Human NonTATA Promoters, with each achieving varying levels of success.

  • Fine-tuned models, particularly SUBS (fine-tuned) and Caducues, generally demonstrated robust performance, highlighting the importance of model selection and fine-tuning for specific tasks.

Evaluation and Benchmarking of Genomic Prediction Models


The paper presents an extensive evaluation and benchmarking of several genomic prediction models using a diverse set of genomic datasets. The central objective of the study is to analyze the performance of different models in identifying enhancer regions, coding versus intergenomic regions, and various other genomic classifications.


The models evaluated include Mamba, SUBS (from scratch and fine-tuned), SEDD, Caducues, Plaid, and D3PM. These models were tested across multiple benchmarks such as "Mouse Enhancers," "Coding vs. Intergenomic," "Human vs. Worm," "Human Enhancers Cohn," "Human Enhancer Ensembl," "Human Regulatory," "Human OCR Ensembl," and "Human NonTATA Promoters."


The paper presents the results in a tabular format, summarizing the performance metrics (likely AUC or accuracy) with their respective standard deviations for various models across different benchmarks. Here are some noteworthy findings:

  • Mouse Enhancers: The SUBS (fine-tuned) model achieved the highest score with 0.795 ± 0.029.
  • Coding vs. Intergenomic: This task had multiple models achieving a tied best score of 0.913 including SUBS (fine-tuned), SEDD, and Caducues.
  • Human vs. Worm: Caducues marginally outperformed other models with a score of 0.971 ± 0.001.
  • Human Enhancers Cohn: The highest score of 0.746 ± 0.015 was obtained by SEDD.
  • Human Enhancer Ensembl: The Caducues model excelled with a score of 0.907 ± 0.000.
  • Human Regulatory: Caducues again performed best, achieving 0.874 ± 0.003.
  • Human OCR Ensembl: The best metric here was 0.823 ± 0.008 obtained by SUBS (fine-tuned).
  • Human NonTATA Promoters: SUBS (fine-tuned) excelled with a score of 0.940 ± 0.007.


The comparison highlights that no single model consistently outperformed others across all benchmarks. However, the SUBS (fine-tuned) and Caducues models generally showed robust and high performance across multiple tasks, indicating their potential suitability for broader genomic applications.


  1. Practical: The differential performance across benchmarks indicates the necessity of model selection tailored to specific genomic tasks for optimal outcomes. The fine-tuning approach also demonstrates substantial performance gains, suggesting that customized training can significantly enhance prediction capabilities.
  2. Theoretical: The consistency in high performance by models like SUBS (fine-tuned) and Caducues suggests that their underlying methodologies capture essential genomic features effectively. This finding can spark further research into understanding any unique architectural advantages these models possess.

Future Directions

Future research can aim to fine-tune and adapt high-performing models for more specific genomic tasks outside the current benchmarks. Additionally, integrating these models with emerging genomic datasets and evaluating their transferability and generalization capabilities could further validate their robustness.


The paper provides a valuable benchmarking comparison of various genomic prediction models, elucidating the strengths and weaknesses of each across different genomic classification tasks. This study lays the groundwork for future advancement and adaptation of machine learning models in genomics.

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