Emergent Mind

Learning Domain-Invariant Features for Out-of-Context News Detection

Published Jun 11, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.MM


Multimodal out-of-context news is a common type of misinformation on online media platforms. This involves posting a caption, alongside an invalid out-of-context news image. Reflecting its importance, researchers have developed models to detect such misinformation. However, a common limitation of these models is that they only consider the scenario where pre-labeled data is available for each domain, failing to address the out-of-context news detection on unlabeled domains (e.g., unverified news on new topics or agencies). In this work, we therefore focus on domain adaptive out-of-context news detection. In order to effectively adapt the detection model to unlabeled news topics or agencies, we propose ConDA-TTA (Contrastive Domain Adaptation with Test-Time Adaptation) which applies contrastive learning and maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) to learn the domain-invariant feature. In addition, it leverages target domain statistics during test-time to further assist domain adaptation. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms baselines in 5 out of 7 domain adaptation settings on two public datasets, by as much as 2.93% in F1 and 2.08% in accuracy.

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