Emergent Mind

Undecided State Dynamics with Stubborn Agents

Published Jun 11, 2024 in cs.DC


In the classical Approximate Majority problem with two opinions there are agents with Opinion 1 and with Opinion 2. The goal is to reach consensus and to agree on the majority opinion if the bias is sufficiently large. It is well known that the problem can be solved efficiently using the Undecided State Dynamics (USD) where an agent interacting with an agent of the opposite opinion becomes undecided. In this paper, we consider a variant of the USD with a preferred Opinion 1. That is, agents with Opinion 1 behave stubbornly -- they preserve their opinion with probability $p$ whenever they interact with an agent having Opinion 2. Our main result shows a phase transition around the stubbornness parameter $p \approx 1-x1/x2$. If $x1 = \Theta(n)$ and $p \geq 1-x1/x2 + o(1)$, then all agents agree on Opinion 1 after $O(n\cdot \log n)$ interactions. On the other hand, for $p \leq 1-x1/x2 - o(1)$, all agents agree on Opinion 2, again after $O(n\cdot \log n)$ interactions. Finally, if $p \approx 1-x1/x_2$, then all agents do agree on one opinion after $O(n\cdot \log2 n)$ interactions, but either of the two opinions can survive. All our results hold with high probability.

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