Emergent Mind


Solving the AC optimal power flow problem (AC-OPF) is critical to the efficient and safe planning and operation of power grids. Small efficiency improvements in this domain have the potential to lead to billions of dollars of cost savings, and significant reductions in emissions from fossil fuel generators. Recent work on data-driven solution methods for AC-OPF shows the potential for large speed improvements compared to traditional solvers; however, no large-scale open datasets for this problem exist. We present the largest readily-available collection of solved AC-OPF problems to date. This collection is orders of magnitude larger than existing readily-available datasets, allowing training of high-capacity data-driven models. Uniquely, it includes topological perturbations - a critical requirement for usage in realistic power grid operations. We hope this resource will spur the community to scale research to larger grid sizes with variable topology.


  • The paper 'OPFData: Large Scale Datasets for Optimal Power Flow with Topological Perturbations' introduces a vast and comprehensive collection of solved OPF problems, emphasizing the importance for power grid efficiency and safety.

  • The dataset, notable for its scale, includes approximately one million examples across various grid sizes up to 16,000 buses and features topological perturbations, facilitating the development of advanced machine learning models for more efficient and reliable grid operation.

  • OPFData brings practical and theoretical advancements, serving as a benchmark for new algorithms and optimization methods while supporting real-time application in dynamic grid environments, ultimately aiming to reduce economic costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Overview of the OPFData Paper

The paper "OPFData: Large Scale Datasets for Optimal Power Flow with Topological Perturbations" presents a comprehensive collection of solved Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problems. Authored by researchers from Google DeepMind, the paper addresses critical elements for efficient and safe planning and operation of power grids, which are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. The dataset presented is notable for its scale and inclusion of topological perturbations, a feature absent in previous datasets.

Importance of OPF in Power Grids

The OPF problem is a fundamental variable in the efficient operation of power grids, influencing unit commitment, power dispatch, and other critical components subject to physical and security constraints. Traditional approaches to solving OPF problems are computationally intensive and may not scale well to larger or more dynamic grid systems. This is especially relevant as the introduction of renewable energy sources adds variability and intermittency to power supply, increasing both the complexity and the necessity for robust solutions.

Dataset Composition and Availability

OPFData is the largest collection of solved OPF problems available to date, significantly surpassing existing datasets. It includes approximately one million examples across a range of grid sizes, up to 16,000 buses. This expansive size allows for training high-capacity ML models. The datasets comprise two primary variants for each grid size:

  1. FullTop: This variant pertains to a fixed grid with variable load conditions, where the active and reactive loads are independently perturbed.
  2. N-1: This variant includes the same load perturbations as FullTop but additionally introduces the probabilistic removal of a single generator or line transformer, simulating grid component failures.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The implications of OPFData are multifaceted, enhancing both practical applications and theoretical research. On a practical level, the dataset supports the development of more efficient ML-based OPF solvers. These solvers could provide faster and more reliable solutions compared to traditional methods, facilitating real-time application in fluctuating grid environments. Theoretically, OPFData serves as a benchmark for testing new algorithms and optimization methods, enabling researchers to tackle problems involving large grids and dynamic topologies.

Future Directions

Future developments of OPFData could encompass several enhancements:

  • Efficient and Representative Exploration: Improved sampling methods, such as advanced load perturbation distributions or schemes that investigate the active constraint sets more thoroughly.
  • Extended Perturbations: Incorporating non-topological perturbations like changes in generator capacities or fuel prices, and more complex topological changes, including the removal or reconfiguration of multiple components.
  • Additional Output Features: Addition of features like active constraint sets for classification models or dual solutions for locational marginal prices.


OPFData represents a significant contribution to the power systems and machine learning research communities. By providing an extensive and diversified dataset of solved OPF problems with built-in topological perturbations, it lays the groundwork for more scalable and adaptable ML solutions. These advances have the potential to optimize the operation of power grids more efficiently, reducing both economic costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Researchers are thus encouraged to leverage this rich dataset to pioneer innovative ML techniques capable of addressing the challenges posed by future energy systems.

Researchers can access OPFData via a public Google Cloud bucket, and it is compatible with various ML frameworks, such as PyTorch Geometric. This accessibility ensures that the dataset can be widely utilized, fostering collaboration and innovation within the field.

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